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North Coast Bass

andy mitchell

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post-5418-1193480028_thumb.jpgG'day All

headed out with a mate this afternoon hoping to land some early season tarpon at a little lagoon up here. We were throwing poppers. my mate Brent is not very experienced and has ( had) never caught anything on a popper.

We had 3 inches of rain last night so the water was up a bit. We had no hits for half an hour or so when Brent's lure was smacked but failed to hook up. He let it sit there for a bit then gave it a twitch and bang he was on. The result was his first ever Bass . i think the look on his face says it all.

Brent then nailed another couple and I caught this beautiful fish. I should of washed the sand of before the pic.


We did not get any Tarpon but the bass more than made up for it :thumbup:



Edited by andy mitchell
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