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Fishing And 4x4 Expo


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i was told that the entry fee is $39/ family that give's you free parking at gate no;1,

i still want to go ,but it starts to get a bit exe to go have a look at there products,before

you even buy something.

ps. sorry it's only $39/FAMILY if you book on line.

Edited by pops punt
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i was thinking about it but i have a horrible vision of showing up and there being an abundance of 4 x 4 and camping but only a little fishing gear ... Has anyone been ?

Yeah thats kinda what i was thinking!

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Call me ''mean'' BUT...

$40 for the priv. to park the car and enter ?? OR... :mad3:

Stay up here @ Gods country, pack a bit of tucker, grab some bait, some fishing gear and drift around in the hobbitt launch -- hhmmm -- gee I dunno'.

Sydney traffic..... Parking, Entrance fee, Cost of food and drinks................

Central Coast..... NO Parking worries, Fee free boat ramp usage, Packed lunch and drinks. FISHING! :1fishing1:

Nah, think I'll give it a BIG miss.

But, for those who go, have a great time, and I hope to read all about it in up coming forums.

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i have been the last two years and yes there is much more 4x4 and camping gear than fishing gear. You can get some good prices on some SP's, mainly squidgies... but they are mainly the ones that dont sell very well, meaning they are not the most popular in our waterways. there are some cheap outfits, not the best quality though, i bought a cheap surf combo there but it gets the job done. very cheap but very good quality lure boxes there last year. Steve starlings presentations can be very informative but i rekon him and bushy sold out with there new line of s factor squidgies!! i will not attend this year as i dont think its worht the drive out plus parking plus entry plus tackle....

each to there own, you might find some great prices! how long does it go for this year??

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Good to hear some feedback!!!! kinda sounds a bit like the boating show where there was some good deals on stuff that doesnt sell well or is cheap and nasty! That might have tipped it in the favour of put the money towards fishing instead! Thanks for the feedback guys!

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