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Botany Bay This Morning


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Myself #1 and #2 launched at Cooks ramp at 3.55 this morning to stronger than expected SSE wind. Rain coats were on hand but not required. First stop Yarra Bay for livies :074:

Get the lures out were goin trollin. Out through the heads turn North and :1yikes: yeh baby bobby cork in a washin machine.

It was great lookin water real fishy lookin stuff. I say to the boy's get ready this should'nt take long at all :mad3:

waiting waiting

trolling trolling

rolling rolling

Ah crap lets head inside and find some Tailor. Stopped off at Bare Island bommie for a quick drift and got smashed by something substantial and lost it after 8 minutes or so.

Hit Mol Point first fish of the day a 35cm Snapper that would have lived to tell the tale unfortunately it was deeply hooked and did not look healthy so Daniel kept him for supper

Fell to a bait of Chook gut in anniseed


went for a squirt around to find some surface action however none was seen so decided to call it a day.

Was a good day on the water and great to see my 2 eldest boy's are still able to fine tune the nagging. whining, irritating fighting that comes with being in close proximity to the brother that you just cant seem to get along with :1badmood:

I do love them :wacko:

Water temp throughout the bay approx 19.4. Up to 19.8 at one stage out the front off Cape Banks.


PS... A penny for my son's thoughts as he poses for the photo :074: you want to stick the camera where.

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Russ Shame you didn't latch on to a school, but I guess Malabar would have had quite a bit of swell in the run out anyway. It would have been a bit too rough for the boys. Still it looks like the young damariboyz had a pretty good time and it only a matter of time now and Molineaux will be bubbling over and you'll be there early enough for sure.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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