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The Entrance


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had a few beers and jumped on the pushy and got to the entrance about 7 pm last night expectin it to be wall to wall anglers... not a soul around nice one

fished off theh jetty south west side of bridge and got into it straight away with a range of bream from small to 26 that destroyed my bait supply.... also scored a few whiting just undersize ...

a couple came over with their nephew from sydney who was only up for a day and he caught two little bream on my rod which was cool...

just on dusk it was chopper time and every bait was gettin monstered before it hit the bottom...got 4 legal ones, 2 on plastics (the cheapest curly tail grubs you can find - i only lost 3 tails last night...normally 5 tails per fish is the norm)...

kept a chopper for bait and relaxed as it got dark with both rods loaded up with pillies..the tailor bite shut down and i was wondering where are the flathead....

i met a korean bloke from sydney who had a rod but no bait hooks and sinkers, cause he had just arrived and everything was shut and his son was super keen... so i thought cool more good karma and the little man hooked a just undersize bream on my rod while his old man went to get his rod... i rigged him up and gave him a couple of sinkers and hooks and some mullet strips and tailor strips...

i had two rods out using the same for bait and every time i was helpin the dudes my rod was gettin hammered and i was losin fish oh well...better quality fish came in and i started concentrating bang flatty woohoo dinner for tomorrow then the young fella got one too he was stoked...good karma....

fished on until about midnite... catching a breamevery 15 mins or so all around legal(no ruler and bream are not high on my take list anyway especially not in tuggerah lakes where that bream can make a kiddies holiday)

met another dude from sydney who'd just driven up and left him too it cause the bite had slowed down a bit

all in all it was the usual just legal bream chaos but there were definitely some more solid hits... all the tailor i caught were good size so they were probably the culprit...i saw a few nice whiting landed

cracker night for a fish and i got my flatty eventually at 45cm



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Nice report on the entrance Ian and helping the kids out like that. I haven't lost my touch with them either but they sure lose their touch learning to cast squid jigs in between my lines. With the mouth open it will be great fishing up there soon :D

Luv your new avatar Pete, a great silouette of a contented man fishing in utopia, would look very good on your complimentary calender for the members this year, so better start oiling up the old gestetner mate and run 5000 off.

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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:thumbup: How good are you, sharing is caring. I think I will broaden my horizons a bit and come up there next weekend. That sounds like fun. Thanx for the great report

Pete, I hope your dragging my ass along with you. :1fishing1:

Ian, top job mate. You really proved to me there is still hope in the human spirit. A good deed is always rewarded. :biggrinthumb:



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