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Fishing Maroubra Beach & Similiar Coastal Situations


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hey there jewgaffer!! hmmm for some reason i thought you lived up north, like way up north, didnt know you are in campbelltown!! Please do come along!!...........


... 2am is fine for me... dunno about you guys eh?? Low tide will be around 8........

what you guys reckon!!!

Hi everyone I decided to reply to a post by Dani!o, a fellow member who is over here from New Zealand completing his law studies in Sydney along with his brother, in this new topic regarding fishing at Maroubra Beach and when beach fishing with a group of friends etc in similiar places along the coast.

I think we all know Dani!o from his very entertaining and humerous posts and I myself find his sense of humour very very funny though sad in a way due to not catching many edible fish or even fish suitable for a favourite pet. He often asks us if he can eat them and how to cook all sorts of almost unidentifiable critters when they are usually dead on the hook, rather than seeking our help on ways to incinerate them. :lol:

I wanted my reply to Dani!o to be detailed in order to provide future food for thought for him and it would be far too lengthy as a reply to a post.

My reply to Dani!o, below, is also applicable to a group of friends beach fishing in general and having proper organisation with pre discussed tactics and a well thought out game plan in order to get the best results.

As a topic it provides for easier access for general reading of longer articles as well.

Dani!o is wanting to get a few of his friends together to have a night session at Maroubra Beach on a Saturday, so anyone wanting to have a friendly fish down there with Dani!o and his regular raider friends please reply to Dani!o in his topic on getting a few friends together to fish at Maroubra Beach.

I don't know where Dani!o and his brother are up to in regard to graduating in law but I know we all wish them the very best.

I hope my reply to Danilo in this manner provides just a little bit more food for thought for readers, though members should always feel free to make up their own minds as to how to get good results when they go fishing.


Hi Danilo After all your study for the University Law exams and your luv of relaxing and fishing both in Sydney and at home in New Zealand, I decided to answer your post for a session with your fishraider friends at Maroubra in proper detail so that you can get things together and hopefully have a much better session than the usual winged rock species and the other multi spiked critters that you are used to catching, not to mention your other friends from the Royal Sydney Chapter of Wobbygongs :D

I would be quite happy, no worries, to come down from Campbelltown to fish at Maroubra as I like to spend as much time as possible with my 10 year old grandson, Little Jewgaffer, and I am always willing to take him anywhere where he can catch fish. We go to Qld often and Shirley and I and our family and my Qld relatives spend a lot of time at Ballina ourselves throughout the year and we take him to fish with the boys up there on just about all of his school holidays.

He loves everything about fishing so I take him with me whenever I can, whether it be beach fishing or going out in one of our boats. You'll find us at Yarra Bay one minute and under the Harbour Bridge the next if you know what I mean. I'm still getting over a complicated back op. and I push myself to keep on travelling and fishing and I am slowly adapting just that little bit better with an abundance of fishing and all the help and encouragement he gives me.

It would be great to catch up with you and your friends for a good late afternoon chat while preparing for a proper late night session at Maroubra, keeping in mind that the top of the tide is around 2 am, and the darker and quieter the evening the better.

If we don't have other arrangements with my boat fishing friends, naturally I will travel over to Maroubra from Campbelltown to meet up with you, and for the sake of further experience and future friendships with members for my grandson, as I did when we met up with Vass, Bigfoot last time.

Good fishing company and natural fishing ability and perseverence in a fisherman just does not come much better than Bigfoot.

We have fished with some really good fishermen over the years and made good friends with some of the nicest people on fishraider.

I have also fished with a similiar outdoor type of member to Bigfoot, a member called Barker, another surf rescue, iron man type of a bloke who held the boat in the swell in very close off Malabar in a very experienced almost daredevil suicidal manner, a situation where I can really relax as nothing like that ever really phases me. Barker did it all and then some ever so competently when we latched onto a pre season established kingfish colony which were, as we anticipated after a lengthy chat as we were leaving from the Hacking, holding in close awaiting baitfish coming into the rocks with the run in, during one of our first north easterly days for the spring, so the kingfish results were well worth the trip down from Dolan's Bay in rough seas to Malabar.

I had the time of my life, it was just like riding the old big dipper and a dodgem car at Luna Park at the same time, while trying to use the gaff but mostly ducking flying kingfish, and dodging head high trebble gangs, teasers and hunks of loaded squid as Barker reefed them into the boat.

That was just awesome fishing and boating by Barker and some good pic taking while hooking up and holding a boat in a swell like that one. Barker is a multi talented one man fishing machine and our members can expect to hear much more of Barker.

Little Jewgaffer luvs learning from other fishermen and meeting up with my friends and he listens very carefully to what they have to say and he tries things out to the point of exhausting the subject, firing alternatives and questions everywhere. I think he will eventually become a very keen and learned fisherman.

We always look forward to fishing trips in good company and he has been getting some great knowledge and is learning a lot from others, especially having met and fished with a lot of fishraiders who are becoming right up to date and well learned with all the modern hi tech stuff, and more so than his granddad. That's good for him in a way as fishing has become more hi tech and the ever improving fishing technology is hard to keep up with and sure fire fishing hook up technology is still in it's infancy and there is so much more to come.

I wouldn't like to see him going fishing without getting his natural baits all the same.

We often do all nighters as he has a lot of energy and a little bit of shut eye now and then can get us thru the following day no problems and we are always keen and provided it doesn't interfere with Little Jewgaffer's schooling he will not hesitate to do marathon sessions moving from place to place until we get enough decent sized fish to take home.

Now sitting back on the computer thinking about a session in the time and tide frame at Maroubra on Saturday and picturing the whole session as it would happen, it is necessary to have you blokes thinking about organization and tactics and getting a clever game plan tweeked up before the session commences.

I'll come straight to the point just as though I am sitting back watching you blokes as though you were miniature and fishing in a jar of glue for want of more polite words and meaning well.

You all have to do some smart thinking before going down to Maroubra Beach and take full advantage of the opportunuty and above all use the resources you'll have and keep it all together, not having your friends scattered around in fragmented type fishing.

1. Organization and special tactics to beach fish is really necessary to get the best possible results, and your friends should be keen to do that, I'm sure, and do it like a highly organized battery of night fishermen fishing in an unbroken line, to not only cover the best possible gutters, but to fish the shallow surrounds after getting wader/s to volunteer to cast well out due to the 8pm low tide.

No doubt fish will come in these conditions and particularly in good numbers and varieties after the surfers and board riders have made a mess of the sands all over the beach area.

However you don't want everyone running around in circles like chooks without heads looking like the keystone cops falling on and off the fire engine as a result of having no particular tactics and/or carefully pre planned organization for the session. If the thinking is not done first and foremost and cleverly so, that is a good description of what will happen all over Maroubra beach and on the south rocks there is a real possibilty there will be small clusters of friends being unproductive and as talkative as chipmunks.

You may as well dress up as Charlie Chaplin complete with bowler hat and cane unless you get organization and the tactics consensual, chrystal clear to everyone and the full meaning of the mission correct in this good season or in any other conditions for that matter.

Think of it as a fully prepared beach onslaught before you even meet up with your friends on the beach and have them fully regimented to fish smart up to and over the 2am high tide until around 3 or 4am.

Even have them salute as they arrive and hand them out a brochure of duties and assignments.

I'm joking of course but wanting to emphasize that there is decipline in that and more fish to be caught than then is in fumbling out of order and fishing solo all over the place and when you have a group of good fishermen meeting up you should keep them together along the beach.

2. You need someone to mark and be able identify in the dark the exact position of the best gutters, not too many days before the session and mark them clear enough to find in the dark, and not necessarily all the widest gutters. Good things often come out of small elongated deep gutters.

3. You need a regimental style line up of fishermen almost side by side and an over supply of burley enough to last till 4am. You blokes should only need a few hours of sleep to keep to your Sunday arrangements without being over tired surely.

Little Jewgaffer and I would shoot off for breakfast and a freshen up somewhere and hit Lugarno or Menai to fish the early morning run down in the tide delay and rest up to break the trip back home to Campbelltown.

4. Being an 8pm low tide you need to maintain the line up and wade out or have volunteer waders for both burleying and getting good casting distances, so beach rods and an array of rod holders is essential. Rotate people around and keep an eye on every rod rod tip and you all should go out of your way to bring rod tip glow lights.

Hope to hear something positive come out of this topic for you Dani!o and I will be waiting for replies as to how your friends go along with it and I hope they let you know their particular role in giving you assistance, whilst regarding the session as the year 2007's "multi pronged star filled beach assault". to that end I'll probably sit on my beach chair come bait board with a couple of jew rods in the water close handy but a little farther out with help from a long distance wader or hopefully with a little assistance from a volunteer boogie board rider.

If you can get the session going as expected, it would be best if you and your brother and each one of your friends brings along the following :-

Lumo floats for a squad to hit the rocks for baitfish and for picking up bait around the rocks and crabs etc.

A bucket and an aerator.

A supply of good burley.

A supply of pilchards and a roll of bait mate plus whatever fresh fish you have in the freezer to present fish baits and naturally flowing thin slabs.

Fresh squid to prevent losing baits to early evening pickers and to attract decent sized fish.

An overkill on headlamps, torches and lanterns always comes in handy for a group of friends beach fishing at night.

Rain gear and rain hats should be kept handy in the car in case it rains and the fish suddenly come on.

Little gas barbecues etc and coffee etc

One or two fold up tables overall as a general work stations etc handy to the line up of fishermen.

Dani!o you can only look forward to replies and suggestions from the usual blokes who like to fish Maroubra and those catching up for a bit of a fish together can let you know what assistance they are going to provide to make this a very memorable session for you and your brother, with some nice photos taken with your fishraider friends, and hopefully sporting a lot of decent fish from the session to show your friends and relatives if and when you go home to New Zealand and hopefully it would be in time for Christmas I would say.

Hope this helps you Dani!o and your brother our good friends, and in the near future our free solicitors and barristers :D:thumbup:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

PS Maybe you and your brother are strong and fit enough to swim out and borrow the fad and swim it back to Maroubra for a few hours then take it back before sunrise :D That way you can get your Mahi Mahi to follow you along as you tow the fad right back into casting distance at Maroubra. :lol:

I have a slight idea the Mahi Mahi were perhaps a little scarce in the Yarra Bay shallows although that was earlier on.

Cheers and Dani!o good luck with it all !! :thumbup:


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