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Charter Trip Noosa


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post-5127-1197540513_thumb.jpgpost-5127-1197540544_thumb.jpgHi guys.

I have just come back from four days holiday in Noosa. While I was there I managed to talk the :wife: into going on a charter with me. Come the alarm going off at 5am she was starting to wish she hadn't.

Headed out through the bar, which was pretty tame by all accounts. I was a little surprised at the lack of channel markers considering the numbers of hire boats and tourists that use the waterway.

We were fishing a reef off sunshine beach in about 50m of water, the weather was good, no swell to speak of and just a little chop. All the fishing was done at anchor, which was fine as it was so calm, but the current was causing a few tangles as it was hurrying along.

We caught a mixed bag of reef fish including snapper, pearl perch, tusk fish, tergaline(not sure on the spelling), wrasse etc. We also managed to hook up some slimeys and a couple of yakkas, which were soon sent out the back of the boat as live bait.

My best fish was this snapper, the :wife: was happy with hers as well

Now for the surprise!!

Thinks had slowed down a bit, minds were wandering, sandwiches being eaten, :wife: had fallen asleep.

Out of no where this mahi mahi erupts out of the water 30m behind the boat. The deckie reaches for the rod with the livie only to find it is on the other side of the boat to the cartwheeling mahi! Just then one of the guys who had been letting out his bottom rig clicks the reel into gear only to have line continue to be pulled off against the drag! He had hooked the mahi on the drop, on a squid/pilchard cocktail. he hadn't noticed it take the bait as he thought he was still on the drop. After about five minutes,a few more jumps, a nice dolly is at the side of the boat, gaffed and in the ice box. Managed to get a couple of qiuck snaps, you can see the snapper rig in its mouth!!


Good day all round, nice fish, nice people, and I caught a bigger fish than Danielle

take care


Edited by alasdair
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Hi guys.

Yeah the blue in the fish really comes out. Was like that all the time it was jumping. by the time it was boat side it was back to the normal green, still spectacular.

Hi sammy, yeah it was a canon 350d SLR, was taken with a 300mm lens as it was still a long way from the boat.


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Thanks for the nice comments guys. No not a pro photographer, that would be a good job wouldn't it!!? Just like taking cool photos! :biggrin2: For those of you that are interested it was taken at a focal length of 300mm, 1/2000th sec shutter speed, apeture 7.1, and iso 400.

I find that using compact cameras, although you can achive the same shutter speeds to get a sharp image, there is a delay between when you press the button and when the picture is actually taken, by which time the dollie is back in the water. The canon I use, as well as most other DSLR's is instant, it also sucks more if you get it wet or drop it on a rolling deck :mad3:

Can't wait to book up a trip with the Hunter boys, and if I can't catch one, get a photo of a marlin doing its thing.


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