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Alway's Keep An Eye Out


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We arrived at Oatley boat ramp at 5.30am this morning and I said to my boy's I'll launch and pick you two up on the eastern side of the jetty. While launching Daniel my eldest come running over and said there was a sunken car next to the jetty. I thought he was mad. Those of you who dont know Oatley, the ramp is on the western side of the jetty this car was on the eastern side right out where you pull up at the jetty it was weird. It was like they just drove up to the jetty and sunk. It was only 12 inches below surface. How they got it there I dont know. It must be 20mtrs out and there is no real access on that side of the area to dump in that particular spot.

If my boy had not seen the bloody thing I may have damaged my prop or something else. Notified waterway's and they were there with police when we got back. Thankfully no-one was in the car.


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You reckon thats bad!

In Dec 2006 I was involved in recovering 20 stolen cars from the Davy Robinson boat ramp at Moorebank (Georges River). In July 2007, 40 stolen cars were recovered at the Rabaul Rd Boat ramp near Bankstown Airport.

The police divers said that there are more cars submerged in the mud still on the bottom of the river, however it is impossible to drag them out.

In this day and age stolen cars at boat ramps are sadly a part of life. Us boaters just have to be very cautious when using them and around them.

Gee and I used to use the Oatley ramp quite regularly thinking it was pretty good. I've obviuosly I've been lucky.

Can't we just :gun_bandana: the car theives????


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