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G'day From A New Member


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G'day fellow anglers n danglers, as a new member id like to say that i have read many a story and report (4 hours worth ) that you have submitted, so felt compelled to join and add my two bobs worth and more importantly learn from you all. Having been born and bred in Bexley i had many a days fishing as a kid on the Georges river, como bridge, Dolls point baths and my fav spot Port Hacking. Flatties are always my target and anything else caught is a bonus. Now living in the Penrith area and being a volunteer firey, i dont get the chance to fish like i used to in the warmer months. i have in my possession a 4 mt quinnie with a new 30 yam which ive taken to lake macquarie, Bellambi and the Port and with fellow firies to Greenwell point.

I have two boys also who are fishing mad and my partner has a son who doesnt mind outfishing me on his first outing, but thats fishing.

I look forward to corresponding with you all and i hope i can offer some advice and learn much more from you all



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A big :1welcomeani: to the forums Bill.

I see you are already addicted to reading each and every post

with 4 hours worth.

There certainly is a wealth of info. in here.

Look forward to your contributions of your trips.



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hallo seagull im a rith boy aswell mate might see you around 1 day mate

thanks bazle, im hoping to take the squiddies out on prot hacking boxing day. ive just text my son whos up on lake macquarie at the moment and reports are they have caught/sighted hammerheads in there, very interesting indeed !! i wonder if the kings are hanging around the bridge at all !

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