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More Kings

The Poacher

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Couldnt help myself after our success the other day -Friday morning we went straight back to the same spot out of Terrigal. Had a higher then usual proportion of fish over 65 - probably half our hits were fish over 75. Ended up keeping 2 at 78 before we ran out of livebaits and then only got little ones on the squid. Tried in vain to catch more bait but didnt looks like getting any. Apparently there are bait schools everywhere but I didnt see any.



PS sorry about the crappy pics, didnt take the camera

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Nice kings again poacher. Without giving too much away were you close in around to the south from Terrigal? We found a massive congregation in only 25 meters around at North Avoca a couple of years back.

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Hi Livo,

No I wasn't. I know the spot you mean and I think they only get in there occaisionally. We went north (inside where you were) and were fishing a reef that goes from 8 to 14 metres deep. That should get you in the right direction.


PS. were you in 50 metres on a reef or drifting over gravelly bottom??? PM me if you want to keep it queit.

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Hi Livo,

No I wasn't. I know the spot you mean and I think they only get in there occaisionally. We went north (inside where you were) and were fishing a reef that goes from 8 to 14 metres deep. That should get you in the right direction.


PS. were you in 50 metres on a reef or drifting over gravelly bottom??? PM me if you want to keep it queit.

I know where you were. Thanks. I've tried bait fishing the area but was plagued by sweep. I guess you need livies.

We were anchored on hard reef at both spots yesterday. I know the 50m mark was hard bottom as it took quite a bit of stick from the motor to straighten a couple of prongs before the pick would let go. We often fish around that general area for mixed results. A couple of the flatties came up with dark and light bars as they do when on rock. I believe its pretty variable bottom out there with broken reef amongst gravelly bottom.

There is a high round top mountain (known as the Chinaman's Hat) which we line up with the Centre to Northern Half of THE ENTRANCE Bridge and then fish along that line in water from 42 out to about 52 meters in depth. We took a GPS mark yesterday as it was pretty productive for a random drop. That's not to say tomorrow could be barron though but hey, that's fishing. I'll PM you with the digits.

How big are the tailor off Wamby Beachy? I make make the trip over as I've been pulling zeros at Putty lately.

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