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Narra Lake Sp Sesh. #2


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Looked outside this morning after trawling the forums and thought..Geez..I need to hit

the lake again to give the SPs another run..Just to convince myself that they actually bloody work!!

Drove past the bait shop and smiled :tease: as the car usually stops all on it's own to get my bait fix.

Went down to the flats to see if any whiting would take the Gulp Alive Bloodworms. They were there alright..i could see 'em all over the flats, but do you reckon they were interested?? Not on your life.

My heart sank a little as I had high expectations of them jumping all over them. The only thing interested in them were bloody toads...millions of 'em.

Not to be discouraged, I went back to the car and got out the arsenal of G.A. Swimming Mullet in Chartreuse and the one that did the damage a few days back..the G.A. 2 inch Shrimp in Pearl White. Grabbed a few of the new 1/8 Nitro jigheads and tied one on and went for a wade opposite the caravan park boat ramp.

Not a lot happenning for a while as the outgoing tide was just easing off. Then the turn, so put on the shrimp

and doing the old cast..wait 10 seconds..2 twitches and one or two winds and WHAMMO...Right at my feet

a flattie snaffles it and goes like the clappers for deeper water into the channel.

The 4lb line was singing off the Stradic like there was no tomorrow!

Turned him and got him in the net. I let out a yell of delight as I was starting to doubt myself (and the SPs)

but glad I persevered.

Kept him alive in the keeper net to get a pic when I got back to the car, then released him to grow some more. He only went 40cm but fought well above his weight.

Nothing much else after that and I had to be home to get Susie's lunch anyhow.

So I am finally coming around to placcies and slowly weaning myself off bait.

Funny thing...Susie didn't believe I went for a fish as I came home NOT smelling of stinky bait :074::074: and with no fish to show her. Go figure!!

Saw heaps of good sized whiting in the shallows and some absolutely thumper mullet swimming by. I was sorry I didn't have any bread and tiny hooks to give them a go...Maybe next time.

Fun day all the same.





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Terrific, Pete! I reckon you'll be hooked on sps now! I think you have the action covered!! Sometimes, the whiting like a faster moving bait (I find that with the HBs anyway! As you speed up to retrieve, they usually give chase!) With bream it is the opposite! Slower than a tortoise with a broken leg - which is why I haven't mastered them yet .... I am a fast twitch person!!

Nice pics, too. Very arty!



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Well done again Pete, Ive had a flattie slam a gulp at my feet what a buzz hey, Dont give up on those whiting they were probably just in a mood, same thing happens up here one day yes next couple a times no.


Ps watch those bloody loose lids on the gulp buckets, ive heard theyll be fixing them real quick.

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Thanks for the encouragement guys..It really is an eye opener once you

get the hang of it.

It's truly amazing to get a flattie right at your feet. I was wearing polaroids and

could see way deep in the water but couldn't see the flattie that hit the gulp..must have been

buried in the sand and attacked....

Those gulp bucket lids are the new, improved ones and no longer leak.

Hope to get amongst those fickle whiting soon too.



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well done mate, it sure is addictive, went for a flick for some flatties today and while swimming my lure along the bottom got a good take 45 mins later and a few close calls landed a lovely fat rat king of 66cm on 6 pound line best fight ive ever had, stick with the placcies ive been eating alot more fish since ive figured out how to use a couple of these lures, the king ate a squidgy fish 80mm in silver black (my favourite) looks like a mullet alot, i like the 2inch atomic prawns too, have taken a few flatties on these in narrabeen especially on the run out, keep at em mate, have you fished the flats off pipeclay point?

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well done mate, it sure is addictive, went for a flick for some flatties today and while swimming my lure along the bottom got a good take 45 mins later and a few close calls landed a lovely fat rat king of 66cm on 6 pound line best fight ive ever had, stick with the placcies ive been eating alot more fish since ive figured out how to use a couple of these lures, the king ate a squidgy fish 80mm in silver black (my favourite) looks like a mullet alot, i like the 2inch atomic prawns too, have taken a few flatties on these in narrabeen especially on the run out, keep at em mate, have you fished the flats off pipeclay point?

Well done on the kingy mate .. :thumbup: I take it, it wasn't in the lake as I've never heard of any reports of kingies in Narra Lake at all.

I fished Pipeclay a week or so ago..wading and scored a bid fat donut...but that was before the penny

dropped as to the best method of using SPs...Almost trod on a whopping big stingray in the process.

Can't wait to hit the back of the lake and do some serious flicking for flatties up there.

I agree..it's very addictive and I don't miss re-baiting every 2 minutes after the pickers demolish fresh baits.



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Well done on the kingy mate .. :thumbup: I take it, it wasn't in the lake as I've never heard of any reports of kingies in Narra Lake at all.

I fished Pipeclay a week or so ago..wading and scored a bid fat donut...but that was before the penny

dropped as to the best method of using SPs...Almost trod on a whopping big stingray in the process.

Can't wait to hit the back of the lake and do some serious flicking for flatties up there.

I agree..it's very addictive and I don't miss re-baiting every 2 minutes after the pickers demolish fresh baits.



cheers nah it wasnt in the lake, was up your way though shouldnt be too hard to work out which waterway, with pipeclay thats where ive had most success with those mullet lures, gotta watch those rays ive seen a couple too not massive but big enough to worry about, hopefully therel be a few more flatties landed this year for us, :1fishing1:

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Those Silver fox squidgies are my favourite flattie sp, too, Hooked up! I go for the 100mm with a Mr Twister jighead .... but I am tossing them between oyster racks & need them to come back straight, not go left or right with the current (or else they wrap around an oyster pole!) Big sp, big flattie! My biggest - the head was wider than the net ...... & got off! It was only in about 4ft of water too!

Pete - for the whiting, also try small poppers - the whiting like them travelling faster, the bream prefer them slower. There has been some exciting 'flats' fishing with the poppers up here - our flats are very similar to Narra Lake!

Look forward to more reports soon, Pete!!



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Thanks Roberta..I must try all those different (and larger)lures as I'm just taking baby steps until I get

more confident with them. I have some squidgees in the tackle box, so may give them a shot up the back of the lake where those monster flatties lurk.

The small poppers sound like they will be the go I agree. They just turned up their noses at the gulp bloodworms like it was tripe!!

One thing that amazed me was the distance you can cast with just a 1/8 jighead...I have just purchased a

new spinning rod and it works so much better than any of my other rods.

I may get a session in again today as long as I can get a leave pass from :wife:



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....One thing that amazed me was the distance you can cast with just a 1/8 jighead...I have just purchased a

new spinning rod and it works so much better than any of my other rods......

Oh Dear, Pete - you've got it bad! You'll be upgrading your stuff all the time now! :1prop: I have found the new Crystal fireline in 4-6lb really good on a nice setup! It floats like spiderweb & casts a country mile!! Even with the really small poppers, they cast a mile!

It is so easy to just leave some spinning & sp gear in the car & have a toss whenever you are near water, now you are confident with your sps - try all the different types - the ones with tails that wiggle & shiver are often the ones that catch the fish 'on their own' (the tails wag on their own as you retrieve them, exciting the flatties) whereas the worm & prawn/minnow types, you have to impart the action yourself. Also, watch the line to see it 'relax' & you know the lure has hit the bottom! Then retrieve! With the light line, you actually feel it hit the bottom, too. I sometimes keep my sps mid water (if there is a lot of junk on the sand .... which happens in leases, so as not to snag.) Just winding & pausing makes the sp dive towards the bottom, anyway & gets the tail working.

Try something different every other cast & you will spot the method that works!



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I agree with Roberta, as soon as you start getting regular catch's with the SP's you get addicted. I used the same as Roberta, the crystal fireline, but I use the 1kg line when going for the flatties or whiting as it's usually on the sand flats.

I have'nt used a popper for the whiting, but shall do that tomorrow. What I have been using is a small, very small metal lure with a touch of green, ripping it thru the school of whiting, and they really chase it, great for the kids to watch.

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Just got back from Pipeclay Point to give the whole arsenal of placcies a run.

First off..parked at Jamieson Park and saw loads of poddies in the shallows and walking along...flatties scurrying out of their "coffins"...Ooooh...here's a good spot I thinks to myself.

On with the first SP, the so far, ever faithful 2" shrimp in pearl white and immediately a little flattie

nails it right on the dropoff at the boatramp. Released him.

Things are looking up.

The tide was dead low, which wasn't ideal but it's the only time I could make it down there today.

The wind was also picking up and made it tough to cast very far...Nothing else interested, so switched lures about 5 times, trying all sorts of colours, shapes and brands.

Got very windy, so headed around the track to Pipeclay Point proper and waded out...waaaay waaay out...I was standing right in the middle of the lake in the end. Geez it's shallow out there.

Tried a few different SPs for zippo. Did manage a few nibbles on Gulp sandworm pumpkinseed, but I suspect they were smallish bream.

After 2 1/2 hours..it was time I made my way home and the wind was building anyway.

Not a very productive session but I won't be discouraged...There's always another day.

The track around the lake is so nice now with the birds a twittering and the sun streaming through the trees..

It's such a nice walk now.



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I headed out to Wimbeldon Reserve for my first outing in about 10years. Didn't catch anything but a nice local and his Misses gave me a hand getting the hang of things again.

Will head over there again tomorrow to give it another try I think.

Fish - 1 / Ali - nil

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I headed out to Wimbeldon Reserve for my first outing in about 10years. Didn't catch anything but a nice local and his Misses gave me a hand getting the hang of things again.

Will head over there again tomorrow to give it another try I think.

Fish - 1 / Ali - nil

Good on you for geting out there Ali.

Wimbledon Ave. used to be one of my favourite spots...almost always picked up a flattie or

two and always lots of bream. Gets a little crowded on weekends though.

The Wakehurst Pkwy side of the island was always more productive for me at that tiny beach by the kids playground.

Be careful of overhanging branches though..You'll see heaps of rigs in the trees there.



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il be heading downthe track tomorow morn, wish i was as close too it as you im about an hour away, its all worth it when the plan comes together though, might see youdown there.

Good luck tomorrow...I don't think I can get a leave pass tomm. as :wife: has

things planned for me. :05:

Looking at Seabreeze..It's going to be a SE breeze, so Pipeclay and surrounds will be out of the wind hopefully.

Best of luck and look forward to reading your report.



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Good luck tomorrow...I don't think I can get a leave pass tomm. as :wife: has

things planned for me. :05:

Looking at Seabreeze..It's going to be a SE breeze, so Pipeclay and surrounds will be out of the wind hopefully.

Best of luck and look forward to reading your report.



thats what im thinking, should be a bit easier than todays winds, see how i go :1fishing1:

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hey fellas

I was wandering where Jamieson park boat ramp is because I am heading down to the lake tomorrow and I want to fish near the ramp or the wollies bridge.

Can some one give me some directions to the ramp.

All help appreciated.


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Gday Pete,

I've been giving the SPs a bash in the lake. I wasnt getting anything untill I spoke to bloke who pulled in a whopper and he said he'd been getting them with really sharp flicks, and his lure was faded old piece of crap with the tail bitten off! I can vouch for the sharp flicks tho Ive only gotten one so far out of Narra, but its worked other places too. Just be cautious of when the lure is getting close to you those or youll have it fly out the water and hit you :1prop:

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hey fellas

I was wandering where Jamieson park boat ramp is because I am heading down to the lake tomorrow and I want to fish near the ramp or the wollies bridge.

Can some one give me some directions to the ramp.

All help appreciated.


G'day Kirks,

Jamieson Park is just off The Esplanade, which runs off Mactier Street Narrabeen.

You will see a loop road on the map inside Jamieson Park and the boat ramp is a simple, no frills concrete

ramp used by the local sailing club there.

You can use it pretty much all the time but it gets busy on weekends when the sailing club

are using it.

Here's a screenshot of the map.


There is also a good article in the "Articles" section of the forums with some excellent info on Narra Lake

and the different areas to fish.

Narrabeen Lake Article

Parking in Jamieson Park is controlled by Warringah Council and is a pay and display ticket system.

Hope this helps,



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hi pete

fished billarong reserve with mate 6am to 9 with lures and mr twisters

mate got 1 flatie 45cm that was it

lot of weed as well

peter :1fishing1:

Good stuff Peter..You did better than me.

The back end of the lake looked very "fishy" today and I was surprised no one was home.

Perhaps the wind put them off.

The weed at Billarong reserve is a bit of a problem land based. I saw a few boats

up the back of the lake today and no one seemed to be getting much at all.

The Manly Daily today had an article on priorities of the 3 peninsular councils and one of Warringah's

is to dredge Narra Lake....hmmm



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hi there everyone i was thinking about going fishing there on friday what do u think will be better day or night

G'day Millsy,

I reckon you would be best to try dawn or dusk, especially for flatties.

They seem to be more active (hungry) at these times, but anytime is good at most times.

Are you landbased or boat?



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