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Burley Pot


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I'm after a burley pot for bouncing off the bottom.

Any suggestions as to which types are the best?

i've heard of diy jobs and stainless steel numbers but couldn't be bothered diy'ing and would like to know what people use and would recommend (and where to buy from / how much to pay / etc.).

thanks in advance.

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I have the standard cheap chain store plastic pot that has an insert with slots that correspond to slots on the outer pot. You turn the inner piece slightly to allow more/less burley to flow.

To make this sit on the bottom I simply added lead to the base. I have metal ashtray that is about 2" round that I used for a mould and then drilled two holes in the lead and put a cable tie through it to hold onto the base of the pot. Easy and cheap but it works reasonably well.


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i have the same type of pot, works great durable I think this ones has lasted me over four years ( last one got taken by a shark.. ), Give it a few shakes every now and then and it works a treat.

I bought my last one from the boat show but any good tackle/boat shop will have then..

Godd luck

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Choad I remember when I bought my first boat first couple of years did not have a burley bucket so I got an onion bag and use to fill it with dried bread with some pilchards and tuna oil, made a loop on the anchor rope about 3 metres from the anchor and use to tie the onion bag to that loop and it worked a bloody treat!!! The stale bread slowly erodes and would last a good 4 hours no problem.


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G'day Choad,

Give this a go, Take 1 brown paper bag fill with chosen burley ( pellets,bread , prawn, heads and the like work well ) get a heavy hand line with 12 o/z sinker attached, place sinker in bag, close throat of bag with a couple of 1/2 hitches, punch a couple of holes in bottom of bag and drop it to the bottom,give it a sharp pull or two , wind up line and and whacko ! burley deposited right where your bait is. Works for me.


Bruce :beersmile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

made a loop on the anchor rope about 3 metres from the anchor and use to tie the onion bag to that loop and it worked a bloody treat

I have heard some stories about guys who have done that and had sharks attack the pot...hence loosing the anchor.

I made my own pots one is a plumbing pipe about 2liter bottle round sized round with holes drilled all over and chicken wire cable tied to the top and bottom with a rock in it....works fine.

Another one i made is made of chicken wire once again about a 2liter bottle round

but the base and lid is all made of chicken wire and cable ties i use a chunk of lead to hold this on the bottom.

You can get bags in ultrabite kits that workwell but you need to use a rock as a weight.

I use to use a plastic bag with holes in it tied to a rope with a rock as a weight worked fine.

cheers james

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You can get the plastic pots from any of the large department/variety stores for about $5.00.

I have a $5 blue plastic pot with screw top lid as described above. I drilled a small hole in a heavy sinker and tied it to the bottom of the pot. There is a length of rope tied to the pot and lid. I just chuck it out to the desired depth. It can sit at the bottom... depending on length of rope... or it can be held at a certain depth. Fill it with what ever you like.

I like the diy pvc pipe idea.. just drill some holes in in and tie a rope to it and your away!

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James I heard of a bloke who had a burley bucket arrangement on the back of the transom, was at the wave rider off wollongong and the shark ripped his bloody transom off and sunk him. These sort of things happen mate but I still have a burley bucket.


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RE the blue coloured $5 pots.

They have two or three U shaped tags on them to allow you to tie rope or fishing line to.

They eventually crack and before you know it you are saying bye bye to the pot. So i cut the tags off.

The best way to avoid losing the pot is to drill (8mm) hole through threads at the top of the pot and use a stainless steel clip through this hole. The clip is then connected to your rope.

To open the pot you remove the SS clip.

I don't use rope as i am a bit worried of a shark deciding to take the pot and the boat for a joy ride , so i use 30 lb mono instead, so that it would break in that situation.

my 2 cents!


James I heard of a bloke who had a burley bucket arrangement on the back of the transom, was at the wave rider off wollongong and the shark ripped his bloody transom off and sunk him. These sort of things happen mate but I still have a burley bucket.


Edited by Mr Rosebay
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