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What Are Downriggers ?


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I have been enjoying the information on this web site for a while now, and as I am still relatively new to fishing I have always been not quite sure on the basis of down riggers, what do they do and why use them. Could some please clear up this grey area of mine as it is starting to bug me.


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I have been enjoying the information on this web site for a while now, and as I am still relatively new to fishing I have always been not quite sure on the basis of down riggers, what do they do and why use them. Could some please clear up this grey area of mine as it is starting to bug me.


G'day Mark,

Take a look at THIS thread as it pretty much explains them and shows one as well as a good diagram of how they work....even a video of one in action.

If ever you need info on just about anything...do a search using the search function button at the top...makes life a lot easier.

Cheers and enjoy the forums,



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Gday Mark's

Downriggers are used to accurately put a bait at the depth in the water column the target fish are sitting.

Reading the depth the fish are at off the sounder you drop the bomb, which is a large weight attached to a clip that your line runs through, down to approx that depth. The clip is like an outrigger clip that releases on fish strike allowing you to play the fish. The bomb is dropped via a cable that is generally marked so you can guage the depth.

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