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Narra Lake Once Again


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Went for a session of about 2 hours at Narra again today to give some new Squidgees a run.

The wind was picking up from the NE, so settled on the end of Robertson St where it's fairly sheltered.

Flicked 3 types of Squidgees for bugger all and travelled about 50 metres up and down the shore flicking..

Went back to the car and got out the Gulp Alive Minnow in P.Seed and right away, a 40cm flattie wolfed it down.

He went into the bucket for dinner tonight, so tried some more colours and styles for not much else.

That's when I weakened and while I was at Warringah Mall yesterday, I noticed the fishmonger had some beautiful, fresh as a daisy, whitebait..I just couldn't resist and bought 1/4 kilo to whack in the freezer for a rainy (read fishless) day on SPs.

Jumped back in the car and ran up the hill to home and got 'em out of the freezer and went back to the same spot.

Wouldn't you know it...the fish went nuts over it. I caught 2 more 39cm flatties, a nice size flounder, umpteen just sized bream and tailor after tailor. All went back expect the flounder as they are my fav. eating fish of all.

So even though I have moved back to the "dark side" (bait) temporarily..I feel both have their good and bad days.

There were lots of kids throwing all sorts of rigs with weight the size of titanic's anchor and 20lb plus line all over the place and wondering why I was catching heaps to their zippo.

I bought some new Vanish 6lb yesterday at GoFish Dural and some flourobcarbon leader and it made all the difference...That stuff is amazingly invisible even with my polaroids on, you just don't see it in the water.

A nice family turned up with two kids and new rods and were watching me fishing. He is Turkish and his wife an Aussie and he was mystified as to how to catch fish in Australia...He said he's tried and tried and it is completely different to fishing the Mediterranean.

I gave him some tips and even some placcies and jigs to try his luck and explained all about Fishraider to them both as they were looking for info. on fishing (he saw my FR hat), so looks like they will be joining up shortly. Their young son was particularly interested in learning more about fishing too, so steered him in the right direction.

Now to the ugly bit of today's outing:

When I got there...there was rubbish all over the place and in the water...just disgusting..plastic bags, plastic drink bottles, bait bags, alum. cans, fast food containers, old discarded fishing line..you name it.

I filled my white bucket 3 times and took it to the bin, which was, would you believe 15 paces from where this trash was.

How can anyone NOT walk 15 paces to a council bin and place it in instead of just chucking it in the bloody lake!!! :1badmood:

Some fair dinkum idiots out there.

No pics again as the battery carked it..I wanted to take a pic of all the rubbish and email it to the council ranger so perhaps they can step up patrols...not likely though.

Enough of my ranting for today..just annoys the hell outa me at times.



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Good work Pete,got yourself a feed of fish mate & hopefully you christened the new 2500 stradic.

I use flurocarbon leader for all my plastic's fishing,6 & 8 lb for estuary fishing,15lb fluro for snapper,kings

& bigger plastic's,it's the best stuff & makes a big difference.I wouldn't use anything else for my soft plastic's

fishing now.

In regards to all the rubbish down at the lake,mate i couldn't agree with you more,its so inconsiderate &

disgraceful how anyone can go to any clean,beautiful & local waterway,spend the day there & leave all there

rubbish behind at the end.

cheers mate


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Good work Pete,got yourself a feed of fish mate & hopefully you christened the new 2500 stradic.

I use flurocarbon leader for all my plastic's fishing,6 & 8 lb for estuary fishing,15lb fluro for snapper,kings

& bigger plastic's,it's the best stuff & makes a big difference.I wouldn't use anything else for my soft plastic's

fishing now.

In regards to all the rubbish down at the lake,mate i couldn't agree with you more,its so inconsiderate &

disgraceful how anyone can go to any clean,beautiful & local waterway,spend the day there & leave all there

rubbish behind at the end.

cheers mate


Yes Steve..The Stradic performed flawlessly....Love those reels :thumbup:



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hi pete

been using vanish 6lb traces for years for the blackies top stuff[have noticed the difference not using it]

cant beat good bait sometimes allways good to have sps and bait on hand

peter :1fishing1:

I'm converted now Peter. Must get together to pick your brains on the blackies one day too mate.

I see you blokes quite a bit down by the caravan park..I'm often just up the way a bit past the boat ramp.

Yep...I'm afraid bait is still in my blood, but thinning slowly with the placcies. All good fun though.



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DARK SIDE DARK SIDE dont you dare start to call bait the bloody DARK SIDE. Pete people have been fishing with bait since about 2million BC. The reason - because it WORKS. Dont fall into the trap. Plastic is for when you are bored, simple as that.


p.s. Well done on the advice to the family and the clean up.

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Gday Pete,

Nice work. Do you do a slow retrieve with the whitebait? Whats the weed like in there at the moment? I wouldnt mind heading out there for another sesh in my yak but not if its still an underwater jungle (pipeclay was last time). Good onya for the cleanup!

Thanks mate

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Nice one Pete.

I agree, bait or artificials have their day, but in general I don't think you can beat live or fresh bait.

Jolly nice of you to teach the Turkish guy and his family about fishing, you do this country and FR proud.

Hope to head to the lake for some artificials fishing, will let you guys know how I go.

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Gday Pete,

Nice work. Do you do a slow retrieve with the whitebait? Whats the weed like in there at the moment? I wouldnt mind heading out there for another sesh in my yak but not if its still an underwater jungle (pipeclay was last time). Good onya for the cleanup!

Thanks mate

G'day Yak,

Yes mate, I slow retrieve WB, and give it a small fick, just like you do an SP, but you don't get many of them as either the bream or tailor jump all over it pronto.

The weed problem is still there, but seems to have got a little better in the past week or so. Around the edges, you can see it getting back to normal with pronounced weed beds and sand in between, which is how I like it.

Out in the middle, it's still pretty choked, but seems to be dying off as it's now that really brown, fine slimy stuff on the bottom with new ribbon grass growing between it. A few more weeks and hopefully it will be a lot better.

Davemmm, 445F and PaintStripper...I'm still on the Dark Side, with one foot gently in the placcie place. :074:

They both have their merits and will use either/or. Especially when I see pristine looking "human consumption" WB like I got the other day. Some of the WB in bait establishments is rubbish that falls to bits in seconds. So for $3.45, I got 1/4 kilo of excellent bait and a day of fun with mostly C&R...cheapest entertainment in town.

Go fish the lake guys...it's full of fish and seldom will you come away empty handed.



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Terrific result, Pete - a feed is a feed is a feed! Funny enough, I have never had much luck with the whitebait!! :( Even caught some live up here & never hooked anything!:1badmood:

You're a treasure, Pete, cleaning up after the previous slobs. It has always amazed me that they are happy to take the stuff in full & weighing a ton, but won't take it out empty when it weighs nothing!! :wacko:

Cheerio for now


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