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Richmond Lagoon Carp Session

kiwi waynie

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Hi All,

Decided to have a picnic / fish out at Richmond lagoons. We couldn't have picked a much hotter day for it, headed out there about 11am with shade tent, bbq, chairs, esky, push bike, frisbee and rods ofcoarse. Got it all set up with my son Jim nippin at my heels "is this my rod dad, when are you gunna put it out for me". Set him up two rods with bread and corn, out when a bit of burley and it didn't take long before his rod in the rod holder was peeling off line. I was first to the rod as he gets a bit distracted and can't sit in front of a rod, which was probably a good thing as the fish had took off around a willow tree. A little bit of steering with the rod saw the fish head to open water and handed over to Jim. I could tell it was a good fish for him and was gunna test him. So with me coaching "lift up, wind down" clearing the other rods and getting him darting back and for steering the fish away from the trees, saw a still very lively fish come to the bank. Every time i approaced it for a net shot it just took off again, which had the getting worn out fella groning and laughing. Finally the fish came to the net and it was high fives, big smiles and a round of applase from a group of on lookers. The fish was 63cm after that he got another at 43cm which was still a good fight but paled in comparison to his earlier battle. Hope the pics go up no probs cause now im late for work.



Lata Raidas.


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was that taken in the main lagoon or in one of the side ones. i fished the main lagoon a few days back and only got a 27cm carp.


Hi Mate,

yeah it was in the side lagoon, i spose you would say it was the most south western one where there is a park seperating the two lagoons. We caught 5 between us for the few hours and i lost a HUGE eel near the bank due to i use 2kg trace.

It truely was a great buzz for Jimmy and me, as most the dads here will know what i mean.

Can't wait till it's #2's turn, Bryce spent his first day down the river aged 7 days. He's now 7 months and showing enthusiasim.


Lata Raidas.


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congradulations jimmy on your pb carp mate :yahoo::yahoo:

geez wayne your gettin to be a bit of a wiz at catchin carp mate well done, nothin better than getting your young fella onto a good fish, u must be proud as punch. ps; hope u read them their rights eh :biggrin2:

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  • 6 months later...

heyy just wondering, can you eat carp?

If you can deal with the bones and the taste of mud!! Seriously though they are eaten in parts of Europe, but from what I understand they're not too good.

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Great fish Jimmy. As a kid I spent plenty of time trying to empty the Nepean of carp and it was great fun, my best being a 7kg model on 3kg line, great fun on light gear and what a way to learn how to play a fish

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