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Frigates In Nth Harbour


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Hi Raiders,

Big schools of small Frigate Macks are on the chew in our beloved harbour. Autopsy revealed that eyes to 1.5"are the primary diet, sandy sprats 2-3"the secondary diet, terns and seagulls are the clue. Kombi & I had to work very hard this arvo in trying conditions to get a hook in, but it was well worth the effort with the UL spin stik in crazy angles, the poor little eggbeater howling in protest with me dipping the rod up to the foregrip to prevent hull/prop bustoff :1onono: from the jet propelled craziness. :insane:

Surely these unguided missiles are God's gift to swoffers :thumbup:

I'll be better prepared for round 2!



Edited by Jigholio
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Gdayyyyyyyyyy Jig ,did this fish have the classic spots just behind the gills ??? as this fish looks like a frigate mackeral and not a mack tuna.

Cheers Stewy

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Good thing you're here to keep me in line Stewy, I'll correct the post, d'oh!

Thats quite alright mate and I am happier if they are frigates as the big boys like to eat them :yahoo:

Cheers Stewy

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These things are great fun on the light spin gear & make an awesome bait alive or in strips bait's,

good to see they have shown up too!

We used to catch them off the rock's down at JB for live baits,by using small barrell sinker's baited white

with a small treble running at the back,sound's simple but was very,very efective,really cheap & you can

cast them a mile on the light gear.

cheers mate


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I would not be so quick to laugh, used to love putting down a really big bait offshore while fishing for jew, did not land much but the hits were spectacular, and 80lb was seriously under gunned especially around SWR.

I used to cast white barrel sinkers to the frigates on 6lb at Jervis Bay too, one day a YFT appeared and snaffled the lure, it was a spectacular 30 seconds, I had about a kilo drag and I got an over-run on the egg beater.


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