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Gotta Love This City


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A few months back, I managed to find the perfect appartment, literally a stone's throw from one of the prime orthern beaches. I hadn't fished the sand for quite a while but tonight it was too good to pass up (despite the rain). Had some fresh tailor after an unsuccessful squid mission last night and lobbed out a head with 2 8/0s into a lovely gutter with a perfect swell, an hour before high tide.

Up came this puppy which I took to be a shark.


The came another hit which I took to be a larger jewie but turned out to be a bronzie. No big deal with one in the bag already. 95cms

In the words of Tim Freidman and the Whitlams, Gotta love this city.


Edited by humesy
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In the words of Tim Freidman and the Whitlams, Gotta love this city.


mate,now that the pros have gone and by reading some of the reports [ie 2kg snapper from a warf],it's only getting better and better!...well done humesy :thumbup:

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Another good jewfish result Andrew! :thumbup:

It takes a bit of time and perseverence to get everything going right for when top of the tide beach jew become active and every cast and presentation has to be just right that's for sure. Otherwise you run out of time and finish up presenting good baits to the next wave of beach predators, the sharks and that's what happens every time for sure and certain, and then follow the critters, the crabs and the nocturnal freaks which come in when the coast is clear but at least that onslaught gives you good signal that it's time to pack up and go home. But the good thing about that is that it helps you understand the importance of timing for next time otherwise there can be too much time wasted fiddling around on a beach during the unproductive tmes.

Still when practised often sessions can be well recorded and you know what Andrew there is good consistency in what you discover as the "norm" for your own special jew activity in carefully chosen locations

Jew come in like clockwork like ghosts in the night and I've found over time that the larger jew who often travel in groups of males escorting a single female, and just like kingfish they tend to wait for the schools of young ones to feed first and then come in and do their thing consistently and specially in hitting anything and everything half decent when the gutters are otherwise deserted.

What was the time and tide mate and was it blowing a nice easterly down there?

Nothing beats an easterly in the rain as far as jewfish go and I think the main reason is that there is a real scarcity of baitfish who tend to get some sort of a signal and have no option but to come in with wind and tide. Baitfish tend to school up in close during easterly's and north easterly's and the angle to the coastline of the particular beach or headland, determines and almost governs where they finish up.

Bye for now mate from a rainy Forster where I have been having the time of my life fishing bar based in the Lakes and Ocean hotel getting to know the locals. There doesn't seem to be too many fish up here at the moment , still Roberta and her friends are certainly getting amongst the blackfish, I tell you.

These coastal pubs are a real circus that's for sure. There are races going on everywhere and sometimes you can almost freeze frame the characters at the bar and last night I laughed my head off with my mate Syd Bowers (same surname but no relation to my Ballina mate Jimmy Bowers who I often tell you about) when I told him that drinking in that pub among the locals was just like having a drink in a bloody waxworks :D

Regards Andrew and will catch up with you when I get back


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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G'day Humesy

Great fish off the beach there.

Hoping you would make it a double and get another in the river.

We had no luck yesterday got fed up with dodging all the crap in the water.

How did you go in the river?



I got tired and gave up after an hour and a half at spot B yesterday. Was going to try for a kingy on the way home but had to attend to a very urgent call of nature (the type which cannot be attended to discretely). Goddamn it was tough doing 4 knots past maritime at Bayview! :wacko: Very touch and go.

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