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Spooling My Tiagra 50w


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Gday Raiders,

Since my eldest daughter has turned professional(Big time King Fisherwoman) , my other 2 are demanding the same rights as my eldest so Dad is taking everyone Kingfishing this weekend!

In doing so, I have decided to assist with the odds on catching these freight trains and pull out the heavy artillery.Some of you may forget that if my two younger ones hook up, I will not only be helping keep the Rod up and lifting for them, but also holding onto the back of their pants with the other hand to stop them going overboard!This means that we need to catch very patient King fish, or have a nice drag set and decent line that can deal with these fish whilst we on top of the water, struggle to wind in! Oh the fun!

Soooooo, I have me 600 yards of 80lb braid, and the bloke said back it on with some mono to fill the spool. Does that mean I lay down 80lb mono first? I was sort of thinking that the joint of mono and braid wont go through the roller tip anyway?

Anytips out there would be appreciated!



Edited by stumpy
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Yes that is what he was saying

First put on mono ,nice and tight so it fills the spool in diameter

then join and wind the braid on.

What joint are you using

i would use a improved albright

the game guys i think would say a plaitined a double as it sits flatter

honestly Stumpy how many times would you get to the 600 yard knot


started to talk about similair the other day.

you could also leave room on top of spool for a top shot of mono

for more game fishing if you wanted.


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hi stumpy

all you have to do is lay down some mono like 2 runs [layers] of mono so the braid wont slip

under drag and the braid fills the spoil to the correct level im not sure what capacity the 50w is

but u can roughly work out how much mono to run by the capacity of the spool

if u ever make it to the joining not your in trouble anyway

i just spoiled one of mine with 80lb braid and 50lb mono backing

just use a double uni it will still run through the guides

hope that helps



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Question Murray,

Why are you using a 50 w for Kings ???

That is just wasting a fine reel like the Tiagra that should be used for tuna and marlin with 50 or 80lb mono.

Get yourself a medium king outfit and save the girls all the aches and pains of such a large outfit for medium kings.

This reel is designed for large running gamefish IMHO :biggrin2:

My 2 cents worth.

Cheers Stewy

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Mate a 50w is an absolute watse for the kings.......as stewy and Kamil have said

A 50w is designed for fish like marlin who will take out 400 metres of line, A spheros with 60-80lb braid would do a better job that the tiagra and give you a much better chance at landing the fish

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ooohhhh, .......................ok then

You guys make sense, unfortunately!

I have a few smaller outfits I will spool up.

Haven't you guys ever heard of the saying "taking to a mosquito with a bazooka" ? :1yikes:




Thanks for all your help lads.................typical of this great site! :thumbup:

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You boys do realize now you mentioned using a totally different set up to what he has if he passes a tackle shop on his day he will go shopping. Saying that to him is like telling me there is a sale on at Myers. Thanks for all you help and see you all online with the big catch!!!!!

By the way I have to help him rig the lines tonight. Seeing as I know nothing he will have fun.LOL :wife:

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Hi Stumpy . My favourite knot for joining mono to braid instead of using an albright is to tie a three loop uni in the mono - only three loops when using 50lb or over- and a full blood knot in the braid. When you lubricate the two knots and pull them together the braid knot slips in under the mono and reduces the size of the knot.

When the loops are in sequence this knot becomes a series of loops pretty close to a knotless knot and the position of the braid locks it in hard below the uni and re-enforces both sides not that it's necessary anyway but it makes you feel good about your knot and you'll be able to give all your f.o.m. kingfish heaps with full confidence.

This line to line knot for braid to mono is a very good alternative Murray and it is also usefull on long mono leaders attached to braid where a swivel is not required, braid being the main line.

Hope this helps



jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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And the phone call went................. yes dear, im hard at work, no dear I saw what you wrote and I wont be going to any errrrrrrr tackle shops, so-to-speak........yes dear, I know I have lots of rods, I know dear, only an idiot would buy another rod for the occasion, okay, bye sweetie....er...I love you too" :biggrin2:

I am sooooooo dead!


Thanks Stewy!



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Thanks Stewy, Next time I see you I hope will deal with your enticement for him to travel to Burke and back.

By the way, Jess loves the new rig. Love :wife: JO xx

Glad Jess likes the outfit and it should she her knock over a few kings and yellowfin on that gear :thumbup:

Are there any good fishing spots at Bourke :biggrin2: cause if there is Donna reckons I should go with him :074::074::074:

Cheers Stewy

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Thanks Stewy for Saving the day and stopping dad from getting killed by the :wife: for stopping at a tackle shop!

Thanks a heap and the rod is awesome :thumbup:

Hope the Kingies are out and ready to get caught cause the rod is ready and i am sure ready to pull them in and win the fight :biggrin2:

Thanks heaps,


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Thanks Stewy for Saving the day and stopping dad from getting killed by the :wife: for stopping at a tackle shop!

Thanks a heap and the rod is awesome :thumbup:

Hope the Kingies are out and ready to get caught cause the rod is ready and i am sure ready to pull them in and win the fight :biggrin2:

Thanks heaps,


The drag has been set at around 6kgs Jess :biggrin2: hold on tight for the first few secs and the kings will yield.

Looking forward to the pics of your first metre KING :1yikes:

I love it when the ladies kick butt :yahoo:

Give em hell Jess.

Cheers Stewy

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Hi Stumpy

You can always count on getting the right advice from the 'fishraider pros'.

After a shopping spree with Stewy I now have a 'kingy reel'. Now not being very strong I have decided to put a lanyard on the reel/rod. I tried to buy a lnayard at various stores but to no avail so I made one up with brass fittings and nylon rope.

You might want to consider this option.

Lanyards have many uses ..... saves rod/reels going overboard, keeping children on boat while catching big fish :074: I'm sure raiders could come up with a lot more uses.

Good luck with the kingys hope to see you out there soon. :thumbup:

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"Lanyards have many uses ..... saves rod/reels going overboard, keeping children on boat while catching big fish :074:"

I think Stumpys new combo comes with a kiddy seat, should be able buckle in, while Stumpy plays :04: the first Metre King. Excellent front row seat :clapping:


Best of luck, I hope you get amongst them and the girls all get one.


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Hi Stumpy

You can always count on getting the right advice from the 'fishraider pros'.

Lanyards have many uses ..... saves rod/reels going overboard, keeping children on boat while catching big fish :074: I'm sure raiders could come up with a lot more uses.

Good luck with the kingys hope to see you out there soon. :thumbup:

Thanks heaps Mrs D,

My er.............Jessies new reel will be tied up to the hull for that accidental drop into the water. Dont you worry about that.

Now,,,, Mrs Stumpy and Myself have paid quite a bit to teach Jess how to swim, actually, when she was a toddler, Matt Dunning from the Wallabies was her swim coach !

Soooooo, I figure that she can swim good enough to get back on the boat. I am actually requesting that she wears a nice fluro pink swim suit and has a fluro green one just in case. Obviously, this is so I can see her splashing like a wounded fish in the water. I figure if she does the "butterfly" when coming back to the boat, me and my deckie should be spinning fluro poppers that match her swimmers ! Cool idea or what ????

Oooohhhh, I am Sooooo dead,



Stumpy :biggrin2:

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Just remember Muz , putting a big hook through your offsprings back(no dorsal fin) or jaw ( bye bye thousands of $$$$ of orthodontics) is frowned upon , regardless how enticing the colour of the swimsuit!!



Chief (Tor)mentor of Team Day Release

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