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Hi guys

I have just been reading about chatterbaits ...... a little metal addition to a regular skirted spinner bait, but with a sp added. It gives the lure an erratic action & is taking fish from both fresh & salt water!

Some offshore folk use a 3oz one & have been getting snapper!

The Ausspin lure site has a terrific little video to see the action of the lure in the water.


That got me going & I just had to have a go at making one ...... so here is Prototype Mark 1!

I figured I'd make it so you just change the lure, not the whole thing everytime you use it! After I took the photo, Keith put 'highlights' on it using sandpaper & twisting it under his finger tip to make little sparkly circles on the attachment! (not shown in the photo!)


With the lure, but without a skirt


It works a bit like the plastic circle ahead of the lure - just makes it wobble from side to side, giving the sp a great looking action! I reckon put one of those in front of the big sps for jewies on the breakwall & just HANG ON!!



This is a shop made one


Edited by Roberta
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Hi Jigholio

I actually have a couple of those in the garage ...... somewhere!! Just don't ask me where! I really need to re-organise my fishing tackle & stuff! I'll probably find I have 5 of everything! No reason, I guess, why you couldn't attach a snap swivel in front of the wigglefin as well! :1prop: & get similar action


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Hi Roberta That protopype looks good, a little tweeking up and you're in business. I reckon the more a swimming lure with fluttering tail ends swaggers about the more a jew would want to put it out of it's misery if just for the sake of preserving the habitat. :D

Gee Jigholio there sure is plenty of action using those suction cap gadgets that's for sure.

How would a suction cap go placed above the head of a dead squid when trolling. It would certainly look as though it had a bit of life left in it and especially when bottom jigging, lifting it up fast and easing it back jerkily and then letting it fall slowly fluttering ay?

You could probably put one of those suction caps on a stick of licorice and it would work well :D . I wonder how much licorice is by the kilo.

It's always nice to invent things and I reckon licorice would do aniseed oil justice anyway :lol:

At this rate we ought to have a special forum for gimmicks and inventions.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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