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After reading all the reports over the past few months i decided to join and have a go myself.

Fished Narooma over the long weekend with my wife Brooke. We targeted mainly bream with surface lures.

Not long after arriving on Saturday we had the boat in the water and headed straight for the racks.

Recived plenty of intrest flicking towadi's into the shallows and along the racks but nothing connected.

Decided to change Brooke's lure over to a lucky craft sammy and within in 5 minutes two of the biggest bream of the trip were in the live well, 38cm & 36cm. To say she was happy would be an understatment.


Over the next few days we manage to land a few more Bream including a few in the 36cm range.



Some of Narooma's racks


Also manage a quick sesion in Tuross on Monday. Bream, whiting, flathead and EP's were all willing to have a go at the poppers.

Lures used over the weekend included Towadi's, Sammy 65's and Smiths mebapen.



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Good stuff Dean, just came back from Narooma myself, still wishing I was there, I have the Narooma live barcam playing regularly on my screen at the moment, looks like a beautiful day there today too :wacko:

Beautiful Bream mate!!! :)



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