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Team Up Ya Go Hit The Hawkesbury


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G'day All ,

Upon a request made in the forums last week , we organised to take ShrekNet (Lisa) out on our boat , to teach the rudiments of fishing to her .

We met at the Parsley Bay Ramp , and I was pleased to note that she was a little early! ( a good thing as it turned out !) .

Took her down to the boat , and introduced her to #1 Son ( Paris AKA Brettski) . Stowed the gear and set off inhigh hopes of some great fishing. The water just past the ramp was glass smooth , and needing no encouragement , gave the mighty Etec her head !! We were soon skimming the water at 42 knots , and headed towards Juno Point. Our plan was to go to Box Head for some yakkas , a god chance to show Lisa how we get our live bait .

Half way to Box Head , we were flagged down by 3 large gentlemen in a 5.8M boat , they had broken down , and could we please to them back to the ramp? Sure I said , which one ? Parsley Bay or Moony? You guessed it Mooney. I apologised to Lisa , I said this will be a pretty slow trip , but we cant just leave them sitting there !!

So we slooooolwy made our way to Mooney , at about 5 knots . The Etec never missed a beat , but had her work cut out for her towing such a heavy vessel.

Finally made it to the ramp , and they were very thankful , givinig us $50 for our trouble . Happy about that , it took $28 to refill the tanks !

So , any way , back to Box Head for the yakkas . They were very reluctant to come up at first , but once they had a taste of my secret burley , they came up in great numbers . We enede up with about 10 , so set off to Pittwater to try our luck.

Set up a drift amongst the moored boats , and gave Lisa a very quick lesson on tackle and knots , as she indicated that she wanted to do everything for herself . :thumbup:

She soon caught a small snapper , which after a quick pic was released to fight another day.


Brett was next to score with a 41CM flatty , which found a new home in our esky !

Set up a few more drifts for not much else , so we decided tohit Towellers Bay for lunch and a swim .



Brett became quite unwell at this point , I think maybe a slight case of sunstroke , as the sun was pretty strong.

Headed back to Parsley Bay in verry sloppy conditions , and said our farewells to Lisa . She must have enjoyed herself , as she has asked to do a harbour trip with us , we are trying to organise this for next week !!

Over all was a ver pleasant days fishing , pity it was cut short due to illness !!


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Well done Ross and Brett taking Lisa out for some tuition. :thumbup:

Glad she at least got a fish..albiet a tiny bugger and too bad Brett got crook. Get well mate.

Good on ya for the tow of that "ship" back to the ramp..must have tested the Etec

towing that weight. Hope you gave 'em Sea-Tow's details for future trips LOL.

Looked like a nice day on the water in any case.



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The Mother Theresa Award for this week has to go to the Flightmanager crew... hosting new Raiders, helping out stranded boaties (obviously they didn't have an E-Tec on the back of their boat) and nursing the sick.

Glad you had an interesting day out and found a few fish at least. Hope to see you all out on the Harbour soon... get yourself a Kingy or two Lisa... they're heaps of fun and there are plenty around at the moment.

Tight lines, Slinky

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Well I certainly enjoyed my day out on the water and the boys were great showing me the ropes...

Had a slight girlie moment when I felt slack for the poor yakka swimming around attached :1yikes: but the thought of catching something bigger soon took over and I was praying for something to eat the little bugger!

I think Ross has said yes to taking me out again cause he liked what I made for lunch to be honest :074:

Going to have a fish in narrabeen lake within the next week cause they've said there is some good flatties at the moment so will drop a post if I get there and manage to catch anything decent.

And definately looking forward to my next trip out... Thanks ROSS and BRETT again.

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