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Tunks Park Cleaning Table


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hi all

i was not happy when i went to clean my fish on sun

and found the tap on the cleaning table had been ripped off

when did this happen?

who do i get in contact with to get it repaired?



Edited by miller
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hi all

i was not happy when i went to clean my fish on sun

and found the tap on the cleaning table had been ripped off

when did this happen?

who do i get in contact with to get it repaired?



I think it's North Sydney Council in charge of that ramp Miller.

Give them a tingle and see if they even know about it.

Bloody vandals :1badmood:



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Penrhyn ramp cleaning table at Botany had the taps removed by

the local council a few years back when water restrictions came in.

Maybe u got the same thing happening at Tunks, if the taps were

ripped off by vandals, wouldnt there be a fountain of water goin to

waste down there, unless of course if Sydney water or the council

already know about it and they have shut off the water supply.

Just some possible explanations.


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Hi guys, unfortunately with the soaring prices for scrap metal espescially copper and brass I am surprised the tap didnt get taken sooner :( thieves have been running rife in the blue mountains area lately snapping drinkk bubblers and taps from all the parks in the local area/ cheers troutboy

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"Cleaning table" what's that?

We dont get those luxuries anywhere down my way.

I once got pulled up by a ranger at the hole in the wall for cleaning my fish on the edge of the ramp because "too many scales and fish bits may end up on the grasss area". I'm not even sure what fish bits are.

I'll take a table with broken taps any day over what Sutherland Shire Council provides.


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I spoke to North Sydney Council this morning about this problem and so far, they have no report

of the tap being missing.

I have now reported it to them and will call them back tomorrow to see if my report has gone up the chain of command and anything is being done about it....Stay tuned to this station.

The woman on the switch suggested it may be a water restriction initiative, but I argued that if that's the case,

surely there would be a sign erected stating that...she had no answer to that.

Anyway...hopefully we can get it fixed pronto.



ps: Miller...Was the pipe capped off or just a bare thread or bent/broken standpipe??

This info may help when I call them back tomorrow.


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i tried to get throw on the phone today and didnt get that far pete

ill try again later

it looked like the tape had been ripped off just bent back and forth till it snapped

it is not capped and it has been turned off at the fitting under the table and the handle removed

so someone turned it off and removed the handle

hope this helps



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i tried to get throw on the phone today and didnt get that far pete

ill try again later

it looked like the tape had been ripped off just bent back and forth till it snapped

it is not capped and it has been turned off at the fitting under the table and the handle removed

so someone turned it off and removed the handle

hope this helps



Thanks mate...I'll chase it up again in the morning.

Sure doesn't sound like it's just been professionally removed for water restrictions.

I bet the locals will kick up a stink when fish are cleaned on that table without flushing away the guts/scales etc

and the sun gets out again. :mad3:



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Hi guys, unfortunately with the soaring prices for scrap metal espescially copper and brass I am surprised the tap didnt get taken sooner thieves have been running rife in the blue mountains area lately snapping drinkk bubblers and taps from all the parks in the local area/ cheers troutboy

I think i have to agree with you there troutboy, as ive had this happen to my factory in the south west!! Stealing scum bags rip out the copper lines/fittings that run my bollier. We are guessing it was about 3 to 4kg worth of copper and selling to the scrap yard for probably $6 a kg.. HUGE profit for them i guess!!! for low lifes. :ranting2:

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I have spoken to North Sydney Council again this morning and they inform me that

they are sending out a plumber "in the next few days" to fix the cleaning table tap.

At least the NS Council actually follow up quickly on reports, unlike several others I could name.

Can anyone using Tunks Ramp keep an eye on progress and report back here on the status of the repair please?



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hopefully ill be able to check for you tomorrow morning Pete when im cleaning my 3 hoodlums and the 6kg snapper im going to catch :074::074::074:


I hope you get onto them Dan.

I don't really expect it will be fixed until some time next week as the woman on the phone said "in the next few days" for the plumber.

Hopefully it will be fixed by the kingy social anyway as I'm sure a lot of raiders wil be launching from there

and will be lining up to clean their catch.

Cheers and keep us posted fellas.,


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I just had a call from North Sydney Council to advise that

the tap at the Tunks Park fish cleaning table is now FIXED :yahoo::yahoo:

It certainly pays to keep calling to get action.

A big thank you to Nth. Sydney Council for their prompt action and pleasant conversations.

Now all we need is some fish to clean!! :tease:



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Good on em. I have found North Sydney is pretty good if you approach them the right way. They also have the grant for the dredging of the channel near the ramp and have all the stuff ready to go for the ramp remediation. They are having difficulty with the engineering of the ramp stabilisation and can't find a solution as there is no consolidated material at it's base hence all the concrete beams hanging around. Can probably thank a sewerage tunnel works fo some of that silt. At least they are maintaining the ramp and keep it tidy unlike some others. Be nice if they could put a camera down there to discourage some of the theft over the years.

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