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Team Nicnat Score


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Hi All

Team Nicnat (Rodhogger and I) have been quiet of late. RH (7yr old son) is back at school and work has kept me busy plus the weather has been just so wonderful. So we were looking forward to getting a line wet this weekend. Pumped some nippers late yesterday and had the little tinnie ready to go, only to wake up to that sound that has become so familiar - RAIN!

We therefore decided not to worry about it, however with the boat packed and ready and an esky full of nippers, RH was jumping around like a frog on drugs all day. We finally spotted a small break in the clouds around 2.30pm and made a break for it.

Got to the ramp at Silverbeach with a rain shower just passing and not one other person on the ramp. Stuck our nose out into the Bay with the stiff southerly behind us so decided to keep things safe and were contemplating the HWO but ended up a few hundred metres off the groynes at a spot that has been kind to us in the past.

Anchor goes down and conditions are not great - windy, water the colour of a strong coffee, good swell coming through, tide roaring out and the boat swinging back and forth. In my head I'm giving this 15 minutes just to get it out of RH's system and then back home for a warm bath.

First bait goes out and another shower comes through and I'm revising my 15 minute estimate down to 5. However, half way through this thought RH yells out his familiar war-cry - "I'm ON!

6lb line peels off against a stiff drag and I'm thinking maybe we stick out the 15 minutes. A minute later a 35cm Bream shows itself in the murky water and is landed. As I net the fish the second rod goes off and RH launches himself through space to grab it. I barely have time to drop the bream in the keeper net when a nice whiting hits the deck.

For the next hour we don't have time to scratch ourselves as every bait gets nailed within a few minutes of hitting the water. A mix of small snapper, good size Bream, Whiting, Flathead and rays all make it to the boat. The final tally is a dozen fish kept (mainly gut hooked), roughly that many again released (our keeper net was full) and several other "self-released" fish.

After 1.5 hours the tide started to slow down, our nippers were just about gone and we had enough of bouncing around inside the tinnie so headed back.

A great finish to the afternoon was when RH stepped into a hole wading back though the mud at the ramp and managed to get himself covered in mucky brown stuff.

Here's a couple of shots with the 2 best fish - a 39cm Bream and a PB whiting of 43cm



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Hi Nicnat. Nice to see you out getting nippers first mate. That's a nice variety for an afternoon session in Botany Bay ! Seems the fish in the river have gone for more salt and nippers proved to be the perfect bait on the day for the various species you caught. Well done.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Ya gotta be happy with that lot. :thumbup: Some quality fish there.

Just shows to go ya...listen to the kids...it must be a 6th sense

and RH has the midas touch by the looks of it.

Great little session, even if it was uncomfy.

Cheers and congrats,


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Great Post :1fishing1: Well done on persevering with the weather and calming the rodhogger down. I too thought of an afternoon bash but chickened out......maybe tomorrow after reading that there are fish swimming around in the coffee :1prop:

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Good luck tomorrow Jenno64 !! I'm going to have a go down there on Monday pm, the debri seems to be attracting a lot of baitfish (tailor). I think this particular batch of coffee has the right flavour about it. The heavy rains were better spread out this time and apparently there are not the usual reems of heavy mud coming down the river to take a lot of the oxygen out of it. There seem to be some good bream rising into the debri as far up river as Como.

Cheers and I hope you get some good size fish down there Jenno64 and I know you won't be too far away nicnat that's for sure :1yikes:

jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Yep, the kids certainly have a ball. And they are great motivation as well! I don't think I would have gone out if RH had not been pestering me all day, which was great as we ended up having one of our best sessions. :1prop: However it can also have it's downside - RH also "motivated" me yesterday to play another season of over35 soccer. Not sure if I will be feeling as good after that one ... :(

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Hi Esky

We only saw 2 other boats - one at the HWO when we first arrived and one in close to the groynes. We ended up about 5-600 metres off the groynes towards the sticks in about 5 mtrs of water. There were no other boats anywhere else near us - I think that's the first time for me in Botany.


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