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jenno64 last won the day on April 24

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  1. Still a decent feed there Dave, I've never targeted jackets, do you fillet them?
  2. That's an amazing haul from a beach gutter!
  3. I was out on a charter from Ulladulla last Friday and the skipper was planning a hike out wide sometime this week after reports of good catches last week:)
  4. I'm shivering just reading this Isaac! Well done on getting out and that big run would have been an interesting ID:)
  5. Well done, I suspected a replacement rod wasn’t far away! Keep them coming👌
  6. Headed out into Bate Bay yesterday after dusting the tinny off from its 6 week hibernation on the street. On the water by 11am and tried for some squid out near Jibbon but no results. Did see a small turtle though! Headed up the Hacking to throw some vibes around in the deep waiting for the tide to drop so I could pump some nippers. Finally got a few nippers and worked the edge of a sand flat drop off for three flatties in the high 40s and a flounder that was pardoned. Nice to be back on the water🙏🏻
  7. Always sat iso when a new spot produces…nice luds!
  8. That is a belter of a tailor and it sounds like you used every bit of skill to land the beast! Congrats on the PB!
  9. That is a very thick fish, great work!
  10. Great report Albert! The new set up will catch you plenty of PBs in the months to come, good to get those exams out of the way!
  11. Those big sugarpens sure cast a long way, nice work!
  12. Nice platter Chris Sounds like the BOM forecast team won’t be getting any thank you cards from you fishos who were surprised by the mystery wind🤪
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