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Long Reef Beach


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I conned my wife into letting me buy her a new beach fishing outfit as we needed one. So on Saturday afternoon I encouraged her down to Long Reef Beach to see how she liked her new rod. I picked up some live squirt worms in the hope of finding some whiting/ bream.

After locating a deep green gutter I had the first go at 'testing' the outfit while my wife settled down on a towel with her cross- word. Minutes later I got a nice hit and settled in for a 5minute battle on 3kg mono.

Didn't catch any bream or whiting but did catch a nice little fat salmon- and put him back! My wife got to see her rod works well and she took photos to prove it!



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nice work man

apparently THE ONLY WAY the aussie salmon can be eaten

is if you put the fillets in a smoker and smoke them fresh

they come out firm/white/ dripping and taste great

big white chunks of juicy flesh

im keen to give it a go

i bet the missus is pleased her rod and reel work


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I conned my wife into letting me buy her a new beach fishing outfit as we needed one. So on Saturday afternoon I encouraged her down to Long Reef Beach to see how she liked her new rod. I picked up some live squirt worms in the hope of finding some whiting/ bream.

After locating a deep green gutter I had the first go at 'testing' the outfit while my wife settled down on a towel with her cross- word. Minutes later I got a nice hit and settled in for a 5minute battle on 3kg mono.

Didn't catch any bream or whiting but did catch a nice little fat salmon- and put him back! My wife got to see her rod works well and she took photos to prove it!

Since she likes her rod and reel so much now you can buy her a boat, sounder, downrigger and all those things you...I mean she has wanted for years :1prop: Well done and nice sambo!

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nice work man

apparently THE ONLY WAY the aussie salmon can be eaten

is if you put the fillets in a smoker and smoke them fresh

they come out firm/white/ dripping and taste great

big white chunks of juicy flesh

im keen to give it a go

i bet the missus is pleased her rod and reel work


Jase your spot on mate, they are unreal smoked!!

Congrats berleyboy on testing the outfit

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Salmon also make great Thai fishcakes!!!

I am increasingly convinved that it is good to regularly keep and eat a part of your catch, gives you a better appreciation of the fish and what a valuable resource they, how blessed we are to have a system that still has heathly fish and that we need to protect it.


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Mate... excellent tackle aquisition strategy. Buy them for the wife :074:

I tried that once but she kept it and uses it to fish with, necessitating the development on a new strategy... I'm still working on it so I'll let you know if I ever come up with something that works.

Looks like a magic time of day on the beach. Beaut fish.

Cheers, Slinky

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The key to tasty salmon is looking after them from the moment they're caught. If tyhey go onto the ice straight away, they're bloody good in all sorts of ways, marinated and chargrilled, , breacrumbed, battered etc. If they're left on the deck in the sun, well, they turn into a passable burley. it's their oilyness that makes 'em finicky, a blessing and a curse. They're great for smoking, but there are plenty other options

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