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Kingies On 8lb Spin Gear


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G'Day raiders,

I decided to go for a fish today at very gentlemanly hours (10:30am till 1:30pm). I headed out and quickly collected some yakkas, 4 to be exact and a slimy makka.

Soooo, with high hopes and a good vibe i headed out to chase some kingies. I set down a live yakka and a live slimy with the two overheads and started tossing around cut baits with my spinning reel, spooled with 8lb braid.

The first king smacked the slimy makka (which itself was about 20-25cm) which after a good tussle was boated and came in at 71cm. Good start! Worth noting was the yakkas were hit but only very breifly. The kings were toying with them and would not take the biat properly. The result was no fish and baits that remained on the hook but were shocked to death!!!

Now for the excitement to begin. Away go the penn reels and out comes the 1000 spinner. In the course of an hour tossing around pieces of my dead yellowtail and the humble peeled prawns left over from yakka fishing i managed 3 more kings and a bonito on the spinner. The biggest king went 76cm.


The sporting aspect was absolutely incredible! The reel squeeled when the big kingies put their heads down. What really got the heart pumping was when oil and grease started spraying out of the drag washers as the line peeled off!!! Absolutely incredible!!!!

I must also make note to a couple of decent blokes who saw that i was getting into the kings. They anchored near me (within about 15m) but had the decency to pull up anchor on my next hookup to minimise the chance of getting busted off. Thanks guys that's what the fishing spirit is all about!!!!

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What a great session..you must be thrilled with that result. :yahoo:

Great to know about the yakkas going off the menu and using cut baits and Penguin's prawns..It may become

the poor man's downrigger technique for the social.

Were they unweighted?

Did you try any metal slices as well?

Good work from the courtesy of the other fisho too...hope it's contagious.



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I headed out again today after the buzz on thursday. Admittedly the action was not as hot but it was still a great day out. I managed 11 keepeer bream, only kept 6 (don't need any more), 1 big trevally (46cm) and three kings. Two kings were caught on the spin rod again with floating prawns, one was legal the other was about 55cm. The third king which went 73cm took a live yakka.

There was one fatality for the day :wacko: The clicker on the 1000 spinning reel snapped during one of the big kingie runs. The rate at which line was peeling off was incredible to say the least :yahoo:

Just a little bit of maintanence work to do now, but well worth it for sure :1fishing1:

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