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Our Day At The Kingfish Social

Mr Dalucius

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We launched at Gladesville ramp about 2.30am and headed down the harbour. Called into Circular Quay and had a look at the Queen Victoria ocean liner WOW looked spectacular with all its lights on.

Off to Balmoral to get some livies and watched the QE2 come in the heads it looked fantastic all lit up.

It was like Pitt St trying to get the livies as boats kept arriving and it became very crowded.

We met up with the Raiders at Clifton Gardens to sign in and have a bacon and egg roll. A HUGE thanks to the organisers and helpers.

We started fishing Middle Head only to have our braided lines bitten off above the swivel as a school of fish passed under us, didn't even feel a bite. "What the...?" Tailor I presume.

Fished a few of the structures/markers with no luck so moved into Middle Harbour at the drop off. First drift and Dalucius was on :biggrin2:. After a few good runs on her new TLD25 reel and rod (gotta love that sound) she landed a Kingy just 2cm short of legal so back in the water.


Thought we would try a few more drifts and my reel was screaming. To my surprise it wasn't a Kingy but a 76cm Jewfish WOOOHOOOO :yahoo: who said banana's were bad luck we had 4 onboard. I bagged him for dinner.



Things went quiet for a while so we headed back and tried a few other spots with no luck so headed back to Clifton Gardens.

After leaving there we headed over to check out the QE2 then on the way back to the ramp we had a fish behind Goat Island. Dalucius reel was off again with a nice little Jewfish a quick picture and back in the water.


What a great day we had on our beautiful harbour.

Thanks again to Fishraiders for all their hard work. :1clap::1clap:


Edited by Mr Dalucius
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Hi There,

Very well done on the jewies.

If it is the drop off that i am thinking of its a good spot at times.

MH produces lots of jews around that size although the last few weeks its been a bit quiet on that front.

We are now heading into my favourite time of the year for jewies.

The next few months should be excellent.


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I had a great day. Geoff forgot to tell you about his flathead. He called for the net as he saw a flash of colour and upon another look started laughing it was a sandy flathead coloured cloth hat. :tease:

I used our new gaff for the first time yesterday just before Circular Quay in the middle of the harbour/ferry traffic. We had to circle it a couple of times as I missed it at first as a ferry was headed straight for us, I gaffed a green milk crate someone had dropped in the water. :thumbdown:

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.....He called for the net as he saw a flash of colour and upon another look started laughing it was a sandy flathead coloured cloth hat. :tease:

Tell you what Mrs Dalucius that could well be Slinkymalinky's hat, he mentioned he lost a hat in the social report. I don't think he was seen wearing it after it went overboard and knowing Slinkymalinky, I think the milk crate may well be unrelated to that incident unless there were a couple of swimmers in it :lol:

Great result to both of you getting a jewfish each, that was a good effort :thumbup: Nice to see you fished with something sensible like a TLD25 and I'd say a rod in confidence, and may as well mark that highway down when you're looking for a parking place for your next night session ay? :yahoo:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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sure is one huuuuge ship

during the war it didnt need any escorts as no other ship could get near her speed....

she goes faster in reverse than most can go foreward......

shame there comes a time when all things are made redundant...

woulda looked awsome up close on the water.....

cheers... steve.....

Edited by roosterman
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