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My First King


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Landed my first ever king yesterday, measured at 76cm nice and healthy and it was landbased !

Caught on 10kg line and a live yakka.

A mate also got a king a few cm's smaller and we got a nice aussie salmon as a by-catch.

What a day!!!! :thumbup:


Edited by blayne
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well done on your first king mate a good fish at 76cm,

1 from the stones is worth 10 from a boat i reckon,

keep doing what your doing theres some BIG kings to be had from the stones if you can land them,

was your yakka under a float?

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Thanks guys. Yeah was using a float so much fun, it ran me under every ledge/bomby in sight. Thanks to the guys fishing with me for helping me land it safely!

Cant recall how long it took to land it, probably somewhere between 10-15 minutes after all the near bust off/run arounds it gave me.

Very happy :biggrin2:

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Thanks again guys, was a good workout climbing back and forth accross the rock ledge to try and stop the thing, wouldnt have landed it if it wasnt for the other 2 blokes fishing with me. Lets just say the leader was more frayed than an old pair of jeans upoin inspection, but luckily my mate had spare leader line so it was quickly re-tied and another yakka sent out in hopes for another one, but resulted in a 50+cm salmon instead of another king :thumbdown:

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