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The "hump" And Off Cronulla


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Headed out of Port Hacking just after sunrise. What a beautiful morning!


Turned south, trolling along the cliffs.

Saw a few blokes in yaks down the coast off the Royal National Park. The calm conditions sure suited them.


Stopped a couple of times, but Pick-A-Box Syd only managed this huge flathead.


Decided we’d give the “hump” a go and headed further south.

The sea was dead calm with virtually no current. Perfect conditions.

With a very slow drift, we ended up getting 3 good mowies, 5 big jackets, 2 pigfish, a small (just legal) snapper and a heap of sweep. The sweep will be smoked tomorrow night. (Mmmmm yum - and I used to think that sweep were rubbish)


The wind picked up after lunch, so we headed for home.

Decided to try a couple of quick drifts off Cronulla. I picked up 1 flounder, 1 flathead and 1 tailor while the others could only get some yakkas. A good finish to a very pleasant day on the water.

I had a great day, but Syd was extra happy with his pb mowie (43cm)




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good to see a report from around the hacking

and what a mixed bag

those morowong put up a good fight

you should of gone off garie for flatties heaps there.

Shadda, we stopped for a while off Garie, but those little :ranting2: leatherjackets attacked our rigs.

Where you there? If so, what time? How big were the flatties?

We also stopped close in near Marley, but there were literally thousands of yakkas in the water under the boat. When we threw in some bread, they were so thick in the water that we were able to scoop a few with the net. An easy way to get some bait!




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Well done and a good variety of table fish once again Pete!!! Good to see your right hand man the old Pick-A-Box Syd has only lost more hair and not the old magic touch, ay mate!

Good to see you both are still braining the fish in close off Port Hacking.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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