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A Big Day Of Firsts

kiwi waynie

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Hi All,

I took my young fella Jim down to Yarramundi on sat to try out the yak i got from Kingfisher Cam.

It was his first go in a yak and after a hour or so tuition he recons its not as easy as it looks (he only weighs 18 kg so his yak sat a little high in the water, tracking was a bit hard to say the least) but he still had a ball with it.

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After he had a swim and a play we thought we might get into a bit of casting tuition, so i had a look in the lure box and settled for a celta green on gold, a sentimental favorite as thats what i started on. It was 11am and the sun was shining and i didn't like his chances of a fish. We had done a bit of cast practice before but not lures. Wouldn't ya know it, half a dozen casts in and he's on, and to prove it wern't no fluke a second came not long after. Now they were small, very small, but that was a huge step up for one little fisherman.


On ya Alfalfa!

I tell ya it was hugs n high fives from a very proud dad. After this i tied his yak off the back of mine and went about half a km to check out water dragons n stuff, and dad got a couple up near the rapids.

Top Day! Top Day!

Lata Raidas


Edited by kiwi waynie
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Good one Waynie

Any day on the water with the rugrat would have to be a good one!!! Looks like the yak has war paint on it ..... a good sign for fishing days in the future.

Where on earth is Yarramundi?? Nice looking bit of water - what would you normally catch there?

Look forward to the next report from Father & son!



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Great stuff Waynie/Alfalfa! :thumbup::clapping:

These are the types of reports that make Fishraider THE site to be on. Members and their younguns are catching Kingies, Bream and everything else in between, and Fishraiders are quick to acknowlege and applaud these up-and-coming fishos efforts.

How ironic was it that the young fella caught his fish on the lure that holds sentimental value for Dad!


Edited by Hodgey
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Heh Waynie & Jimbo

Well done on the maiden voyage!!! Sorry I was unable to join you but had made arrangements with Johnny V!!!

Young Jims yak looks the goods... we'll be flat out keepin' up with him and out fishin' him by the sounds!!! The old Celtas are certainly a good Bass bringer!!!

Can't wait for Robson to be old enough to get him out and fishin'!!!


PJ Garn

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Thanks for the replys all,


I haven't had a chance to fix the yak yet, i just put some sml bolts in the holes and used it the way it was.

when it gets patched up is going camo. I've got a cool idea which should look good. Jim wants camo so camo with a twist it is.


Yarramundi is a part of the Neapean, between Penrith and Richmond. Good access to the river and not as weedy as some parts, and not accessable to power boats so a good training ground for first timers.

Hey Hodgey,

The celta part was very ironic, the whole day was very cool, and yep what a great place to share it.

Thanks for the reply.


I know he's mine but we gunna have to take turns at towing him. He's hooked on it but strugling a bit for our range of travel. The Rob Dawg i'll be in the same position one day.

Lata Raidas.


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