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First Time On Botany Bay


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Hill all i headed out today for my first time fishing the bay. Was on the water at 530 from Kymeeagh (spelling), headed out near the runways first, got a 45 cm flathead within 30 seconds of casting ! ! Anyway all up we got 4 keeper flatties, and 2 keeper flounders between us.

Plenty of Snapper but too small, and a few other little flatties that went back in, and a couple of whiting that we threw back.

Not bad for 1st timer on the bay !

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Hill all i headed out today for my first time fishing the bay. Was on the water at 530 from Kymeeagh (spelling), headed out near the runways first, got a 45 cm flathead within 30 seconds of casting ! ! Anyway all up we got 4 keeper flatties, and 2 keeper flounders between us.

Plenty of Snapper but too small, and a few other little flatties that went back in, and a couple of whiting that we threw back.

Not bad for 1st timer on the bay !

Congrats on your first time on the bay.

I am still learning the ropes myself. There are actually a few places/schools that teach you the ropes of the bay if you look around to find them but nothing you can't learn from fellow raiders.

Happy fishing !!

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Cheers secki that's the way to do it. :thumbup: A supply of good eating fish out of Botany Bay like you have there is about as good as it gets and far better than getting no jewfish and only rubbish in a night session in the Bay.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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i fish the bay twice a week,,, great spots as well as great fish,, once you get to know the bay, you will enjoy it.. i have caught many fish,, 12.5kg jewfish and many other jews, heaps of kingies, 55cm bream, 3kg flattie, sharks,, etc..

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