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Brisbane Waters, Good Friday Fishing Session


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Me and my mate went out for a fish on good Friday, Got in the water at 5:30am at gosford wharf using dads 10ft tinnie, headed for train bridge to go into narara creek i was battling some fairly big waves plus it was the first time i have ever been out in brisbane waters in rough weather well the tinnies bouncy up in down made it to narara creek, was calm from there.

Headed towards maccas saw some mullet jumping around like they usually do quickly casted in plus we were using lures cause we had'nt got the bait yet well we had no luck with the lures so we fired up and headed to maccas to get some breakfast and bait. 20 mins later got back into the boat headed to narara ck bridge, casted in using squid as our bait stayed for a bit once again had no luck, fired up and headed to the place were we saw the mullet jumping casted in it was high tide at the time once again no luck, so fired up and headed to the train bridge stayed there for a while got really cold in the boat plus it was raining, maybe hour later went out into brisbane waters wasn't as heavy as it was in the morning headed towards the sailing club casted in getting some small bites mostly little nibbles maybe 15 mins later i was bring my line back in didn't feel like i had anything just as i was about to bring the line in a bream launched at it and i had myself a maybe 15cm bream it was nice looking but threw it back in. Overall it wasn't a good friday for us but i still enjoyed myself and i think my mate had a good time too.


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Not what you could call a Good Friday fishing, but at least you gave it a go.

It must have been pretty uncomfy in a small tinnie in open water and in the rain. :1badmood:

The maccas would have looked the goods for sure.

Better luck next outing.



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Nice read LankyFisher and a very good first report !!

It's interesting to see how an ongoing cold southerly front affects estuary fishing in all but the hardier species. That's the way it has always been, I'm afraid. Even the best tournament fishermen get poor results.

The idea is to be out there as the change commences, which is when fish stock up their food.

It's also good to go back again a tide or so after the wind goes away from the southerly cold front direction. In the case of a low pressure system you should go out as soon as the barometer starts to rise upwards again, which means the skies are clearing. You'll find some species come on the bite shortly after the rise commences. For other species a couple of tide changes later get's them back on the bite. You gradually get to know what the species are and there is consistency for getting good results in conditions close enough to identical to your better sessions which can be recorded for reference when planning the next trip.

Some food for thought and I hope you get better results next time.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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