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Easter Monday Narra Lake Whiting Session


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Hit the lake at the turn of the tide today targeting whiting on the outgoing.

Pumped some nippers and they were a bit hard to find today (must have been away for Easter :074: )

managed enough for a session as well as a few soldier crabs which I usually just leave alone, but thought I'd give them a shot to see what took a fancy to them.

First cast from the shore with the soldier and whack!! A big run across the flats and it managed to spit the hook.

I then waded out across the flats as the wind was picking up and wanted it at my back and cast out the second soldier and whack!! again...This time it was an even better fish and started to take drag on the Stradic..which I thought was odd as I had it on a fairly good drag setting.

I played this fella for about 3 minutes with it doing some nice runs and finally got it to the net and could see it was a nice fish.

It went 42cm and weighed 1.2 kilos cleaned, so a new PB for me in the lake.

It was really fat and had a huge head on it.

With that in the keeper net, I then used up the live nippers for countless little fellas, but no more thumpers.

Those pesky toads were out in force again today too stealing nippers as soon as the baits hit the drink...Geez i hate those things with a passion :ranting2:

Finally ran out of nippers and went home chuffed at a new PB.

The flats are teaming with whiting at the moment, but mostly little tikes...still fun to C&R.





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Nice whiting. Have you given up on the plastics mate ;-) hehehe

No, not at all....just that the whiting in the lake seem to go for live nippers more than artificials.

I've tried Alive bloodworms on them and they just turn their noses up at 'em. Go figure!

I think we might have to call you Neddie from now on (Neddie Seagoon)

Great boat name BTW.


Pete (AKA Lootentant Hern-Hern)

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Well done Pete - that 's a super sized Whiting - a real elbow slapper!! They can 'go' when they want to, eh?? They also like surecatch poppers being retrieved continuously!!! :) :) That's the next form of fishing we want to see you doing!!! :) :)



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Well done Pete - that 's a super sized Whiting - a real elbow slapper!! They can 'go' when they want to, eh?? They also like surecatch poppers being retrieved continuously!!! :) :) That's the next form of fishing we want to see you doing!!! :) :)



Thanks Roberta...Yes, I have one of those and was going to give it a run today but the wind was picking

up in the lake and would have made life difficult.

I only had a short time today before I needed to be home, but next outing, i'll give the poppers a run over the flats.

Yeah Penguin...those bloody toads are like seagulls on a hot chip. Grrrrrr.



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hi pete

great whiting :1yikes: congrats on pb too :thumbup:

went out this morn to show mate where to catch flatties in his tinny with sps

first hour zero then moved west of pipeclay where he picked his first flattieon plastic 45cm on a cosmic tomato [i think thats the right name] itried some gulp worms for zero

by the way we dipped the lures in gulp juice he ended up with 2 flatties me zero

anyway he was a very happy chappy

peter :1fishing1:

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hi pete

great whiting :1yikes: congrats on pb too :thumbup:

went out this morn to show mate where to catch flatties in his tinny with sps

first hour zero then moved west of pipeclay where he picked his first flattieon plastic 45cm on a cosmic tomato [i think thats the right name] itried some gulp worms for zero

by the way we dipped the lures in gulp juice he ended up with 2 flatties me zero

anyway he was a very happy chappy

peter :1fishing1:

Well done Peter and glad your mate managed a couple.

Pipeclay sure does produce when the conditions are right.

Yep, the alive juice has saved my fishless trips on more than one occasion now too.

I use one of those collapsible bait buckets you clip on your belt and 1/4 fill it with gulp juice and just dip the lure in it before each cast. Works well.



Beauty effort there Pete, Im still waiting to get some Narra whiting

Give the flats a go with the yak opposite the caravan park...if you're wearing polaroids, you can see them darting around all over the place at the moment...Run out tide is best.



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Great fish Pete and congrats on the PB :thumbup:

Back in the days when I used to fish 'the dark side' (bait :lol:), I used to raise quite a few eyebrows when I'd walk along the beach with my bucket and hearthbroom/shovel. Using my little brush and shovel set was a quick and easy way to catch all the soldiers I needed. These were great bream bait, with the occasional by-catch of whiting and tailor.


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Hi Pete Congatulations on your pb whiting !! The old natural bait way for a change ay, maybe just keep the scented minnows for flathead or as an additive to a jar of gurkins.

Now your talking, these soldier crabs are great attractants for the larger specimums because of the mature and stronger mouths, although quite often you have to wait longer without a bite, it can be well worth waiting tho.

Those cosmic tomatos that Luderick59 mentioned sound alright ay, maybe they have an atomic capsicum available too. :yahoo:

Well done Mallacoutta Pete :thumbup:

The one thing I like about wading in Narrabeen Lake is that it's a sure cure for tinea.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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