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Easter Weekend Fishing


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It’s been a long time since my last report. I had some fantastic landbased fishing this year, caught a range of different species and managed few PBs. Anyway, the weather forecast looked not too bad for the easter Monday, therefore, one of my mate offered me to go on his boat to fish the harbour as he normally fishes the bay. We planned to hit the water nice any early and try to manage a few squids, however, we ended up being caught at the ramp as the rain was pissing down. As we waited and waited, we finally saw some blue sky and we were on the water at 9.30am. (Ps. We were at the ramp since 4am. :1badmood: )

Managed a few yakkas in half an hour, then we headed straight to the spot. Livies set, the waiting game starts. One hour later, my 30lb braid outfit starts to scream, grabbed the gear, and the fish was already in the reef. Lucky I had a 2 meter 30lb shock leader and I managed to pull it out, and landed a nice 70cm kingie. The next minute, my surface bait got smashed by a little hammerhead, which put up a great fight on the 10lb gear, she’s released to fight another day.

After that, I managed a strange looking specimen on a 3 inch bass minnow and everything just went very quiet. The last spot is sow and pig, we drifted some surface livie and surprisingly landed this beautiful 85cm flattie. Unfortunately, she swallowed the entire double hook rig, and not in a good condition for a release, therefore, she was iced down for the table.

We trolled a few lures back to the ramp and managed a few legal size tailors.



Got very tired back home and a 14hour long sleep, and got a call from another mat who wants to head down to the rock to spin for salmon. Looked at the weather, already showed the sign of a storm, but the condition were perfect for a spin session off the rocks. Packed my gear, we were on the rock ledge within half an hour. We spun crazy for hour and a half, caught 8 nice fish, kept 4 for jewie bait and give away to neighbors.


We worked hard to manage a few catches during the easter weekend, but its just fantastic to be out there on the water. :1fishing1:

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Well done mate,

they're some awesome fish, nice work unreefing the king and getting some chunky salmon, how big do you reckon they were? Bummer about the flattie, most of them are released ok so i'd imagine that flattie stocks aren't looking too bad.

Great work overall, did 100x better than me....


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Saw you guys parked up at rose bay. i went out early that morning from there. had 2 false starts then hit it at about 7. landed a king in the first 5 mins in the monsonal rain then lightning missed the boat by about 30 meters max... back at the ramp with in 2 mins still packing S**t like never before, loaded and got the hell out of there all in the rain. :05:

looked like you had a great day.

well done

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Saw you guys parked up at rose bay. i went out early that morning from there. had 2 false starts then hit it at about 7. landed a king in the first 5 mins in the monsonal rain then lightning missed the boat by about 30 meters max... back at the ramp with in 2 mins still packing S**t like never before, loaded and got the hell out of there all in the rain. :05:

looked like you had a great day.

well done

The rain was bad mate, we were one second away from packing up and go home, lucky one other block at the ramp rang up the coastguards and confirmed there is no rain in the avo. Our boat is a 4.2 center console that has no cover at all, would be painful if we were out there in that storm.

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