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Kandavu Fiji Going Off


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just got back from 16days an the fishing went off we got 4 wahoo to28kg yellow fin to 40kg macks to 26kg heeps of gts to14kg and blue fin trevally to 7.2kg a new fiji record on6kg line .we also took the ladies 8kg record with a 9.4kg gt .thanks to the boys at matava awsome trip


Edited by stickfacewrangler
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Well done mate, sounds like an awesome action packed trip with some big fish! We were planning to go to Fiji this year but decided to go to Hawaii instead, hopefully we can do as well as you did!

Congrats on the record.



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Bula mate,

Sounds like you cleaned up.

I was in Fiji last week and had a great time as well but didnt seriously get into the fishing.

Next time later in the year go back and go for it.

Well done.

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Kandavu is one of the nicest places ive ever been, I just wish when i went and stayed on naggigia just off kandavu a few years ago that i was more into fishing... what a waste to go surfing and only fish once or twice!!!! I have to go back!!!!

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where's the pics????

you cant give us a report like that without pics, thats teasing!!!!

sorry guys got a new mac and to dumb to workout how to zip the pics .if u look up matava fiji on u tube there are two fish on there or try wahoo fiji

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just got back from 16days an the fishing went off we got 4 wahoo to28kg yellow fin to 40kg macks to 26kg heeps of gts to14kg and blue fin trevally to 7.2kg a new fiji record on6kg line .we also took the ladies 8kg record with a 9.4kg gt .thanks to the boys at matava awsome trip


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