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A Quiet Day On The Lake With Wendy


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Hi guys

We were on the water by 8am & got home after 4pm ..... with only 2 fish in the well!! One bream & one mullet!! :( We went out in Wendy's nice Quinnie & hit the leases, to have a go a the mullet .... but they didn't co-operate! THey stayed right in the middle of the leases, out of casting distance. :( I was wishing I had brought the yak along to sneak inside & have a go at them! Next time, we'll tow one out for just that event!

I was given some weed during the week & tried that on the blackies, but they weren't co-operating either!!! I even succumbed to using bait!! Used Chicken & only got small throwbacks & trumpeter! :( Eventually got the mullet on some bread on my blackie gear!

We did a big circle, to the main channel, then towards Wallis Island & fished near the jetty there with no joy ..... then back down the Breck channel towards home stopping at a few places along the way.

We look forward to our next outing ..... hopefully with more fish!



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Hi Roberta Shame there weren't many fish around today. Never mind, next time you and Wendy will bag out bigger and better, that's the way it goes. You can have two identical days, where one day there are fish everywhere and the next day there's not much around at all. It's the same old story fish go out searching for food, pig out, and shut down, until they feel the need to feed again. I reckon any change is a good one even a pick up or a drop in the wind. It's the steady days of bad or good weather that make fishing tougher.

I'm thinking of going up the far north coast, maybe during the school holidays, might catch up for dinner again. Will be taking the boat, and might do a beach session for a change as well. Just thinking Keith might like to go out for an early morning sprint and mark all the best gutters for us. :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Hi Byron

At least it wasn't raining yesterday (like today!! :() Just hope it doesn't rain next Sat .... a friend's son is getting married at the Green Cathedral (an outdoor church on the edge of the lake!) A gorgeous spot, but not in the rain!!


When were you planning on coming thru - I will be tied up with guests next week from Wed to Tues then tied up totally from the next Thus to Wed!! I don't even know when the hols are .... not having kids! I usually find out when I see them running around the streets!!! :)



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Hi Roberta

shame about the fish but there is allways tommorrow !

Wow the pic of the green cathedral just brought back some great memmories for me it hasnt changed a bit in 35 years my grandfather used to take me up to Tiona Park ( i think it was called) for fishing holidays when I was a kid he loved black fishing up there we used to go to a place called Dunbogen where there would be 20 blokes lined up along the rock wall following their floats and getting fish after fish

thanks for refreshing my memmory :biggrin2: arr they were good times



a friend's son is getting married at the Green Cathedral (an outdoor church on the edge of the lake!) A gorgeous spot, but not in the rain!!

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Hi Arked

I doubt if it has changed much at all .... tho they do have speakers & microphones now! Tiona is always booked out most of the summer holidays - from Oct thru to Easter. Then it quietens down a bit. I usually get my beach worms down that way!

I am waiting impatiently for the blackies to arrive in the estuary - any time now!! Can't wait!!!



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