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First Jewie

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Me and my best buddy "The Dog" took our boat "The Angry Beaver" for our first over night trip. Started off at 7.30pm and it was pretty slow we got the 10 hook rig working and soon had half a dozen live baits, a couple of Taylor and a couple of Yakka. Then it was a waiting game. I had a Live Taylor on the bottom and my mate decided a Pilly was the go. At about midnight my bell gives a jingle and line starts coming off my reel. I let him take a bit more before I tighten the drag and gave him a hit. It ran like a freight train (30kg braid) for about 10 seconds and then turned around and swam straight at me. As he hit the surface he some how dropped the hook :05:

I baited up again and within 5 minutes was on again, same story agh. :mad3:

Changed down to a smaller hook over the side again with a livie and bang on again. I was not letting this one of the hook a short battle and i had landed a 74 cm Jewie

Re baited and straight away an 84 cm Jewie.

My first Jewies and i was totally stoked.

The Dog mean while was changing bait, but we had run out of live bait at the worst possible time. The Dog finally catches some more live bait and gets his line out again. But unfortunately all the Jewies had gone. But three hours later he did manage to pick up a good sized Hairtail which put up a wicked fight.



Edited by Kicking the dog
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Me and my best buddy "The Dog" took our boat "The Angry Beaver" for our first over night trip. Started off at 7.30pm and it was pretty slow we got the 10 hook rig working and soon had half a dozen live baits, a couple of Taylor and a couple of Yakka. Then it was a waiting game. I had a Live Taylor on the bottom and my mate decided a Pilly was the go. At about midnight my bell gives a jingle and line starts coming off my reel. I let him take a bit more before I tighten the drag and gave him a hit. It ran like a freight train (30kg braid) for about 10 seconds and then turned around and swam straight at me. As he hit the surface he some how dropped the hook :05:

I baited up again and within 5 minutes was on again, same story agh. :mad3:

Changed down to a smaller hook over the side again with a livie and bang on again. I was not letting this one of the hook a short battle and i had landed a 74 cm Jewie

Re baited and straight away an 84 cm Jewie.

My first Jewies and i was totally stoked.

The Dog mean while was changing bait, but we had run out of live bait at the worst possible time. The Dog finally catches some more live bait and gets his line out again. But unfortunately all the Jewies had gone. But three hours later he did manage to pick up a good sized Hairtail which put up a wicked fight.

Well done there guys , just goes to show that persaverence payed off.



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:1welcomeani: Welcome to Fishraider Kicking the dog. Catching a couple of jewfish up Roseville way makes a great first post !! Good result on the live bait and a top result overall for a first night session :thumbup:

Hairtail up at Roseville too. That's a very interesting sign. Jew like cooler conditions suitable for hairtail.

Well done!


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Well done mate, wish my first jewie was that size. I was gonna say thats one weird looking jewie until i read all the report, then it looked like a pretty weird hairtail as well. Is definitely an eel of some sort, hairtail are few and far between in the harbour and i'd imagine the water is way too warm for them at the moment.

You must of had a fair school of jewies under your boat, bummer you lost a few though.


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Hey there Kicking the Dog! :1welcomeani:

Well done, what a feeling that must be to know you've done everything right, even if you dropped a few.

I tried for my first Jewie with a few mates on Sat Morning before sun up, also around middle harbour...No love though! Looks like you were in a dark spot from the pic. Were you near lit up structure or did you just pick a likely spot on the sounder?

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Didn't realise that roseville bridge is a good jewie spot. Is this area a good landbased spot? Have to give it a try sometime.

Me also i didnt know either maybe landbase or boat both will do good :biggrin2:

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