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Whats Happening At The Bayview Ramp?


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Just wondering if anybody knows what the council is building at Rowlands Reserve, The Bayview Boatramp.

Ther is some kind of roadbuilding and construction at the Southern side, South of where the washdown bays used to be.

Is there any chance that it might be some kind of washdown facility or would that be to good to be true.

Yours hopefully POGO

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Council are building the new Coastal Patrol with radio tower and Water Patrol building along with a storage yard/depo for commercial contractors, plus Council so they do not leave materials on the beach area any longer. The road will give access to this area.

The wash down facility was disconnected due to the water restrictions, which is a real shame. So you do not get much for your money any more.

So even if you are a ratepayer and have your council sticker you still have to pay for the privilege of parking car and trailer once you have launched the boat. $6 weekdays and $12 weekend for 24 hours. You can by a yearly ticket for around $128.

Fishing cleaning tables would not go a stray; then again I would get much use.



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