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Friday Arvo,sat Mor,sydney


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hey raiders went out friday night for a bash at the flattys at a new spot the spit

got there at 12.30am and found a good moring on the east side

5.5 hours later we had 2 flattys and a brecky bream

heap off throw backs and a big run that is still going west with 50 meters off 6 lb fire wire atached

that run was at 4.36 am for all the jew nuts

at dawn went for a run around south head to the stinkpipe for zip thought give north head a wack

spun up 2 slimmys between the heads in 30 meters deep they were sitting at the 10 to 15 meter mark and way spred out

mate goes green [pussy]so we head to Q POINT and drop the pick[little did he know i was feeling a bit crap to] pick up 2 flownder and 1 small flatty 1 bream

then the super yakkas show up

being one who must catch what i can see out come the bait rods

for the next hour we had one off best little sessions this year man i love the big yakkas and more so the slimmy mac's heaps off double hook ups and more lost than boated

by 11.30 we called it a day gary


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hey raiders went out friday night for a bash at the flattys at a new spot the spit

got there at 12.30am and found a good moring on the east side

5.5 hours later we had 2 flattys and a brecky bream

heap off throw backs and a big run that is still going west with 50 meters off 6 lb fire wire atached

that run was at 4.36 am for all the jew nuts

at dawn went for a run around south head to the stinkpipe for zip thought give north head a wack

spun up 2 slimmys between the heads in 30 meters deep they were sitting at the 10 to 15 meter mark and way spred out

mate goes green [pussy]so we head to Q POINT and drop the pick[little did he know i was feeling a bit crap to] pick up 2 flownder and 1 small flatty 1 bream

then the super yakkas show up

being one who must catch what i can see out come the bait rods

for the next hour we had one off best little sessions this year man i love the big yakkas and more so the slimmy mac's heaps off double hook ups and more lost than boated

by 11.30 we called it a day gary


If you only caught a few slimies do not make the same mistake as many of us do and freeze them for bait.

Clean them up and either pan fry or smoke them and trust me you will not regret it. :beersmile:



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never thought off eating them,to me they are snapper bait for crowdy head

but hey bob you look like a tooth man as i am one my self so next time i will give it a go,do you bleed and gut and put on ice,fillet ,fry or grill[now i'm hungy ]

scon;there between the heads spead all over the shop

you need a sounder to find them but there all over the place

the bulk were caught around the corner at quarranteen point over sand in about 12 to 16 meters

you need a lot off berly we have also found them at old mans hat same thing heaps off good berly

wish i did'nt freeze them all now bob thanks for the tip


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Great result in the Harbour on Friday night Brickman. We went out on the Hawkesbury on Saturday and it was towards the end of the long southerly front as well but with the wind settling to north west as it started to do in the early hours of Saturday morning. The fish were fired up in general and we caught good size tailor and take home trevally in the baitgrounds and just about every other small size fish you can think of in the shallow water, but no sign of any yellowtail for us or in shallow or deep water for the other boats either. Fishing was good until late in the afternoon on Saturday and the pressure rapidly dropped into an extreme low front from the south west of below 1000 milibars. I was fishing with another member varos1991 and his dad. We got nothing else except for a plethora of eels and catfish for our trouble of fishing all night and over of thirty which luckily were eels, as Tom's dad foot was spiked by one of the catfish while trying to retrieve his expensive live bait hooks, it's hard to release that poor unfortunate species unharmed.

The middle of this week looks the best chance for a while and I will be going back up there on Wednesday for a day session on the jew with one of the locals, my friend Arked who's also a member.

You had good timing going out on Friday in the conditions Gary, and being on the water just before the change certainly worked out very well for you.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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hey celp the flattys and flownder are my fav;s as well but when in rome

will have to give the slimmys a go on the plate or i will never know

jew gaffer i read and take note and have been trying to be there at just the right time

sometimes it works mostly i'm there to late or leave to early lol but thats the game we choose to play

what is it with fishing,is it the mateship, when a word need not be spoken but a glance and a nod is understood,or is it the hunter gathera thing,maybe a bit off both

we will be going out mid week in the harbor not shore on the target fish as yet but having salted down a heap off bonito into bream baits i'm keen to give it a go[this being a first at salting]

hope you do well at the hawks, gary

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