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Broken Bay 30/4/08


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Hi everybody

I had planned a day out with Jewgaffer and a mate down from Port Macquarrie for today but due to car trouble Jewgaffer was unable to make it. The water has really cooled off over the last week or two and it is getting cold in the morning when I have to jump in to get the boat off the mooring luckily my good mate Doug did what only a good mate would do and offered to jump in to get the boat WE had planned on trying to get some sqid on the way but due to a late start we opted to grab some frozen ones out of the freezer instead anyway headed down to the usual spot to find the trawlers had left

Every year at this time 2 trawlers sit and wait for the mullet to swin back out of BrisbaneWaters to sea They wait in a small cove near Box Head and as the Mullet leave they net them by the boat load This is the sign to me that the season is nearly over once again unfortunatly

When the mullet leave the larger yakkas seem to move out to the reefs with them and the action drops right off

Things started off slow with only 4 40cm soapies and lots of undersize tailor 3 of the 4 soapies that we threw back seemed to swim away however 1 that wasnt looking real healthy and floating on the surface a sea eagale noticed and made several passed over it looking at us and the floating soapy we thought he was going to get it but he evenualy shyed away

then my mate caught a 50cm flatty not long after I got a decent tailor that had been bitten by a shark on the way to the boat we both caught several Port Jackson sharks upto about 2 1/2 foot aswell

At this stage things werent looking real good for tea when my mate yells "I got a good 1 on" the rod was bending and the drag screaming I thought maybe it was the jewy I had been trying to catch all season but as he got it closer to the boat we saw it was a little hammerhead about 3 foot long he was hooked in the corner of his mouth and we got the hook out pretty easily and put him back into the water

After so many sharks it was time to move down the hawksberry we went to Juno Point where I got

another good size tailor and shovel nose shark then things went very quiet only a few pickers so

we called it a day and headed home It was a great day out on the water and quite warm sheltered in at Juno


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Hi everybody

I had planned a day out with Jewgaffer and a mate down from Port Macquarrie for today but due to car trouble Jewgaffer was unable to make it. The water has really cooled off over the last week or two and it is getting cold in the morning when I have to jump in to get the boat off the mooring luckily my good mate Doug did what only a good mate would do and offered to jump in to get the boat WE had planned on trying to get some sqid on the way but due to a late start we opted to grab some frozen ones out of the freezer instead anyway headed down to the usual spot to find the trawlers had left

Every year at this time 2 trawlers sit and wait for the mullet to swin back out of BrisbaneWaters to sea They wait in a small cove near Box Head and as the Mullet leave they net them by the boat load This is the sign to me that the season is nearly over once again unfortunatly

When the mullet leave the larger yakkas seem to move out to the reefs with them and the action drops right off

Things started off slow with only 4 40cm soapies and lots of undersize tailor 3 of the 4 soapies that we threw back seemed to swim away however 1 that wasnt looking real healthy and floating on the surface a sea eagale noticed and made several passed over it looking at us and the floating soapy we thought he was going to get it but he evenualy shyed away

then my mate caught a 50cm flatty not long after I got a decent tailor that had been bitten by a shark on the way to the boat we both caught several Port Jackson sharks upto about 2 1/2 foot aswell

At this stage things werent looking real good for tea when my mate yells "I got a good 1 on" the rod was bending and the drag screaming I thought maybe it was the jewy I had been trying to catch all season but as he got it closer to the boat we saw it was a little hammerhead about 3 foot long he was hooked in the corner of his mouth and we got the hook out pretty easily and put him back into the water

After so many sharks it was time to move down the hawksberry we went to Juno Point where I got

another good size tailor and shovel nose shark then things went very quiet only a few pickers so

we called it a day and headed home It was a great day out on the water and quite warm sheltered in at Juno


Atleast you got a fair variety of fish. Interesting about the mullet and yakkas, seems a little bit early as well.

Probably can expect it though with the water being dirty from the crappy weather.

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Hi Arked, Nice report and interesting reading Grant and thanks for your advice on the whereabouts of the yellowtail in Brisbane waters, Grant. That's something that I have not been able to ascertain in the last couple of sessions myself, and fortunately there hasn't been a shortage of legal size tailor around.

Glad you had a good day catching up with Doug and it was a shame I couldn't get up there myself. I was really looking forward to listening to the stories of the early days when you grew up with Doug. You were unlucky that all the jewfish you caught were only soapies ,because they could have been any size where you and Doug fished. I wouldn't mind getting a thrill out of the hammerheads, there good action when they head shake and fight one on one while staying down deep. The jew may well have come in from the opposite side to the hammerheads. If the jew don't come in no one can pull rabbits out of a hat and catch them, that's for sure.

Anyway mate all in all you did quite well. Have a look out for another decent day for hopefully around the middle of next week.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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