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Hi raiders, My brother and I have finally put the downrigger we bought off e-bay onto our boat. We are not to sure of how to use a downrigger properly. We have seen countless set ups and people using them around our beautiful harbour. Seeing others use it is 1 thing but actually doing it ourselves is another.

Basically I want to know how far do you have to set the baits back, what rigs and set ups and an easy to use procedure step by step. Diagrams and \or illustrations would be good. Also guys what weight is recommended for using around the harbour and aside from kingies ,what else can be caught on them? :thumbup::thumbup: I know it is all trial and error but a bit of know how and tips from you fellow raiders would be greatly appreciated.


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Hi raiders, My brother and I have finally put the downrigger we bought off e-bay onto our boat. We are not to sure of how to use a downrigger properly. We have seen countless set ups and people using them around our beautiful harbour. Seeing others use it is 1 thing but actually doing it ourselves is another.

Basically I want to know how far do you have to set the baits back, what rigs and set ups and an easy to use procedure step by step. Diagrams and \or illustrations would be good. Also guys what weight is recommended for using around the harbour and aside from kingies ,what else can be caught on them? :thumbup::thumbup: I know it is all trial and error but a bit of know how and tips from you fellow raiders would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks to you Ray in setting up the rigger, Im sure it will pay off very soon.

Cannot wait to get amongst it again.

Some feedback from Raiders would be great.


Edited by twin1
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G'day Twins

This is a fantastic way to fish and the more I do it the more I enjoy it. There are many species to be had by downrigging. You can downrig lures, flies, jigs as well as live and dead baits.

I will try and explain the basics.

I have done a sketch to illustrate the main set-up and refer to it as we go into more detail.

I know there are some very good and experienced "downriggers" on this site and I am sure they will add to, and probably have better ways of doing things. I urge them to add to the post as i am sure we can all learn something. Everybody I have downrigged with has their own way and their own little secrets.


Add to these bits as we go!

A. The Downrigger.

Scotty and Cannon seem to be the most popular here in Sydney.

In my opinion they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

For the purpose of this exercise lets just concentrate on the manual downrigger.

Also some blokes have built their own and they work very well.

Make sure it has a depth counter on it. This will make your life much easier. Make sure it is in he measurement you want ie feet meters or fathoms. Calibrate the counter before you go out!

B. Downrigger Mount.

Spend time testing on the water and see where the mount will work best on your boat. Consider what downward pressure will be placed on you boat and where. Try and arrange it so it is easy to remove if you have to. In some instances when we hook up we take the whole downrigger out of the way. This helps when you are fighting big fish near the boat. I have seen fish lost snagged on the arms of the downrigger and if the bomb is not pulled up far enough on the cable itself. Braid and mono is no match for the wire cable!

C. Rod

I like to use my (remaining ) Wilson Live Fibre Texalium rods but whatever you think will be strong enough to take the big hits when they come.

D. Reel

I use Baitrunner 6500s as I really like the baitrunner feature when letting down the bomb. But really this is a very personal part of the system.

E. Sounder

This is a very important part of the set up. I have fished with all kinds of sounders. The better they are the more info about the bottom and the fish you will get. On those tough days a good sounder will make all the difference.

F. Rod holder.

Make sure the holder can handle the hit and at different angles. You can loose your gear if it is not up to scratch. As insurance put a lanyard on your rod if you have any doubt. A big King will make you doubt I promise you.

G. Wire Cable

Some folks use thick braid here. Again up to you. Wire makes a certain noise at different speeds. Sometimes you will see bubbles coming off the wire.

H. Stopper Bead.

This helps when winding up the bomb and stops damage to the roller on the outrigger arm.

I. Clip

J. Snubber.

This is mainly here to help your hands and also should be of a lesser breaking strain than the cable so hopefully it will break free if you get the bomb snagged.

K. Clip

L. Bomb. There are quite a few sizes and shapes.

I like to use from 3 to 10lb and round and fish.

Round cannonball

Round Puck Shape with a tail


Chromed reflective Fish reflective or mirror bombs which serve ac an extra attractant to the bait

Z Wing

M. Heavy Mono Leader

N. Line Clip Release

O. Leader

P. Bait

How far back you set the bait from the clip is up to you. I usually set mine about 5m back from the clip.

The most important thing is that the bait swims properly and does not spin. There is a bit of an art form to this and is in my opinion an essential skill in downrigging.

Q. Motor

Some motors when just in gear go faster than others. The downrig speed is also something you will get to learn.

This is more or less the procedure I use

1. Make sure you know what to expect on the bottom if you can. Do a dry run over the area if you don't know it. This can save you lots of frantic episodes on the back of the boat.

2. Get your rod ready and in its holder with the drag set to a position that will take line off the spool with out pulling out of the downrigger line clip release when the bomb goes down.

3. Get the downrigger bomb and line clip release ready and in position over the side or out the back (Depending on how the downrigger is set up)

4. Move forward at a very slow speed and in a straight line.

5. Attach bait and place it overboard and check to see how it "swims".

6. If you are happy with how it swims attach line to line clip release

7. Make sure your reel is set to let out line.

8. Let down bomb to desired depth. 5-10 ft off the bottom

9. Wind up slack in the main line till the rod is taught and has a good bend in it.

10. Make sure when you turn your cable does not get snagged in the prop of the motor.

11. Keep an eye on the sounder and watch the tip of the rod. Sometimes on the sounder you can see the fish coming up or down to hit the bait.

12. Have a plan of action when the strike happens.

ie move away from structure,

pick up rod,

gain some line,

wind up bomb as soon as you can,

fight fish,

have net / gaff close at hand,

land fish,

scream loudly

I think this is a great way to fish. I hope this helps the beginners and if the Gurus can add to the post it would be great.



Edited by inhlanzi
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i never heard of downrigging before this, but the illustration is awsome.. totally understood it instantly...

great artwork!!!! pin this for sureeee

DOUBLE :dito:

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