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What Rod Length For A 24kg Rod For Off The Rocks? Please Help.


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Hi Raiders,

I know only some or a few fisho's fish off the rock's but i was wondering if anyone could or can please help me out,

I am going to get my self a TLD 50 to use off the rock's live baiting for big kings and for yellowfin as well, I am trying to decide on what rod length would be best as a spot i know off you can catch big kings live baiting and some people use either 24 or 37kg (mainline - that is) with 150 pound leader.

the length's i am deciding on are 5 foot 6, 6 foot, or 7 foot but i am a bit afraide that 7 foot is and will be to long.

which length out off the above 3 would you mostly prefer to go with?


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hey mate

IF you travel to Gofish at dural, talk to pete and ask for a wilson landbased game rod. It is Australian made and is at a really good price.

It is purely built for kings and the like.

its a great rod and matched to a TLD 50 you've got yourself a very strong weapon.


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It also depends on where you are fishing as to the length. 5-6 foot off the rocks is a bit short for my liking around sydney, but on deeper ledges is ok. Mine is around 7ft something matched to a tld25, and for the spots I fish its nice to have that extra length and clearance above any rocks/reef.

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8ft to 10ft. Gives you good leverage.


don't think me being rude cause that is not the intention what so ever, correct me if i am wrong, isn't it the longer the rod, the more leverage the fish has got against you? and the shorter the rod the better it is?

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Regards to length, its going to be a compromise. Find whatever you're comfortable with. I use a 12' rod on my alvey loaded with 50lb mono, and i don't have problems with it yet. I say that because i'm still waiting for a 20kg+ king.

so am i. :thumbup::thumbup:

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The 2 LBG rods i have are 7-8 foot.

Extra length gives you clearance from the rocks.

Im actually looking to sell my rods, so if your interested in a 2nd hand rod send me a pm (I dont use them now i have a boat)

1 rod is a Steve Starling special (I think or maybe an Ian Miller), the other is a custom. The shimano has a roller tip and the custom has a silicon tip. Both are a few years old and have the usual scars from the rocks.

Send me a PM if you are interested and would like some pics, going cheap.

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