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Yaks And Squid - Sydney Harbour


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looking for the best spots to catch yellow tail and squid before sunrise (so in the dark) around sydney harbour.. il be launching the boat at Rose Bay and dont want to travel to far ...

any suggestions ?

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looking for the best spots to catch yellow tail and squid before sunrise (so in the dark) around sydney harbour.. il be launching the boat at Rose Bay and dont want to travel to far ...

any suggestions ?

Mate your best bet for yellowtails would be around Balmoral Island, use heaps of burly and fish lite.

Any area which holds kelp is a good start for squid, try near the nudist beach and wygene point.

Twin 1. :1welcomeani:

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Mate your best bet for yellowtails would be around Balmoral Island, use heaps of burly and fish lite.

Any area which holds kelp is a good start for squid, try near the nudist beach and wygene point.

Twin 1. :1welcomeani:

Theres TOO MANY nudist beaches in the harbour, most of the little ones you pull up to seem to have a whole brigade of them.

For squid you can try neilsen park next to rose bay and the kelp around ajacent rocks.

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Theres TOO MANY nudist beaches in the harbour, most of the little ones you pull up to seem to have a whole brigade of them.

For squid you can try neilsen park next to rose bay and the kelp around ajacent rocks.

lol if only they werent all old and saggy i wouldnt mind;)

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you've got to love the nudist beaches , especially in summer !

i always laugh when i anchor up near balmoral and go for a flick and an old man pops out starkers with just a hat and sunnies on... up to just his knees in the water !


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