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Parra River 1/1/05

Rick T

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G’day Fishraiders

Had to take bubs for shots at lunchtime yesterday so spent a few hours on the parra to take advantage of the peace during the prefish ban. For the first time in ages I almost had the river to myself, only one other bream boat on the water. They were sportsfish members so I stopped for a chat etc. The bottom end of the river fished poorly as has been the usual lately, a couple of bream mostly tackers were scored around the moored boats in brays bay/kissing point. I moved on to Pyrmont wharfs and the action started. Using TT HWS jigs and bass minnows I landed a very nice 34 fork length bream. Fishing pilons more towards the fish markets I got stitched up twice, the 7’ rod and 1000 size reel just wasn’t putting enough pressure (even with the stradic drag up very high) to stop the fish before they got to the pilons. I continued to land some nice fish around the markets and got done over again fishing the waterways base. Overall a nice morning on the water and it was fun to at least hook a few stonkers, think I’ll have to look at upgrading to a shorter rod with a longer rear grip cause I haven’t been dusted so many times in one session :blink::ranting2:

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yeah, a bit sick of the "secret spot" crap, I don't get to fish much anymore so I don't mind being detailed. Doubt the open guys will care much, I know last year we had our spots planned a month before the event. To change their game plan now would only put themselves under more pressure.

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Thanks Andrew, we buy some seafood from there and also have lunch occassionally on the wharf. Have seen heaps of bream, so decent ones as well. I have never seen anyone fishing there, so thought it wasnt allowed, but if its permissable, might give it a go. BTW, spoke to Hats, he said it was tough going at the Port the other day.

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mate it is a good place for thumpers, one time when I was getting a feed I spoke to a bloke sitting on the end of the pier with 6lb line and peeled prawns. Asked him how he was going and he had a keeper bag with 5 or 6 30+cm bream. I have seen fellas landbased on the other side of roselle bay that cast out to the edges/corners of the marinas then walk around on them and pick up good fish aswell.

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I've had flick near Liquidity a few times. All ways been a half hearted flick as I needed to use up time while getting loaded in the truck. But never managed to nail a fish there! :risata:

I have had the odd run in with security at other locations. And they tried to convince me that the water was private property! :risata::risata::risata: After a few heated words I offered to call the police as they kept threatening to call them onto me!

Sorry to hijack your post Rick! But it sounds like you had a good time regardless of the bust offs! :thumbup:

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no drama's Joe, I value my time on the water much more now that I am limited on how often I can get out. I have even been loving just dropping a bait instead of searching for fish all day, A few weeks ago I parked on a public mooring with a few mates at the spit for an avo, only scored a few choppers and a squid but had a good time anyway. must be gettin' old n cranky :1badmood:

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Sounds like a place that has to be tried I reckon. Dont know if I'd keep any fish that were caught down there though, water looks quite polluted.

Joe and Rick, Just to get out fishing is a bonus these days, family and work commitments seem to take priority, gotta keep the boss happy :wife:

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