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Sydney Boat Show

marcel haber

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To all the fishraider moderators,sponsors and fellow fishraiders......

With the upcoming Sydney boat show just around the corner I would like to reach out and see thru our forum how many people would be interested in visiting this years show.

If our members show alot of interest then I would like to see if the site sponsors and moderators could show some pull and possibly arrange some type of discount fee on entry to the show.

Also wouldnt it be great to have fishraider stand there so that members could purchase bragg mats and the like.

This would be a great opportunity for all members who cannot get involved with the socials to meet some of the team and recieve some type of discount to go to the show.

So our great sponsors Rosco,Huey etc and modarators .......the idea is out there for others to give feedback and get the ball rolling.

Twin 1 :thumbup::thumbup:

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Gdayyyyyyy Marcel,

A stand at the boat show would be fantastic,but it is way out of our budget and is very expensive in the 1000s of dollars.

Sea Tow are usually there and I am not sure if Huey will be there this time or not.

If we had say 100 members going we may be able to get a discount from the organisers,MAYBE :biggrin2:

Cheers Stewy

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Ticket company commission and watch out there is not a credit card fee as well or mailing cost like with other tickets. Crazy you have to pick them mup from a booth that you'll be in a queue anyway. Hmmmm..........

Edited by pelican
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I got in for $5 after 5.00 pm. If you are not interested in seeing the big boats outside this is fine. I got a PE6 Shimano Jigwrex demo rod for $190 so I was pretty happy with that. For $5 I might go back, never got to speak to the Furano guys.


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