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Land-based At Gladesville


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Went down with a mate to a beauty spot under gladesville bridge

just got a new rod and reel off ebay and wanted to try it out

it was a last minute decision to go fishing.. and turned up to the spot and it was low tide :1badmood:

tried some sp's (first time using them) and got nothing, lost about 4 of them getting snagged...

got some fresh prawns out and got a small leatherjacket around 20cm :1prop:

that was about it the whole day

plenty of bites though

besides not getting many fish stilll had an awesome time with my mate

great sunset - my friend said the spot was a great place to 'reflect'

i balled out laughing.

need to practice sp's though, i suck :(

will go back to the spot at high tide


Edited by sherackattack
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little leathery demonds they usuly come in hords or plages but that does'nt mean there are no uther fish about you may have to use a wire trace and berly the jackets in close and throw wide

i love sight fishing for jackets with a jig head and 80 lb trace

they will bite anything that smells off bait so rig up before you bait up

and remember no size limit

great report mate gary

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Hi mate.

Not the greatest spot for chucking plastics.

Waters pretty deep out there.......

Some ok flatties tho, fish some larger ones like 4" minnows or shads on larger jig heads for them and cast long and work em slow back.

When starting off with plastics off the shore you might be better off fishing shallow bays. Fish light and use small plastics like 3" minnows and 2" worms on 1/12 jigs or lighter.


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see that wharf over there? fish off that. Catch yakkas from there fillet them and throw them out. Fishes best for jews on the run out i think, i've caught them to about 6kg there, consistantly as well. Give it a shot

You'll also catch some decent leatheries and possibly a bream or trevally if you drop a bait (or even an sp) right down next to on of the pylons ... Also if you head around to the right of the wharf (its left if ur at the wharf) there is a little inlet/bay that sometimes goes ok for flatties

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G'day sherackattack,

You've got some fantastic sp spots nearby that would be a great place to catch your first fish on them. Give Iron Cove or Hen & Chicken bay a go. Both of them have great shallows up at the backs of each bay that usually hold plenty of Flathead and Bream. Probably the best bits of water I've ever found to learn the basics of soft plastic fishing.

Cheers, Slinky

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