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Southside Kings In 17 Degrees?


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Hello all,

as my boat hadn't seen the sea for a few weeks and my mate for a few months, it was time to have a crack at some winter kings. The idea was to take a few squid as backup to jigging the peak.

As none of our usual haunts produced the backup, we headed north out of Botany dragging a few lures - just happy to be on the water and having a few laughs.

Up near Maroubra my mate was beginning to wonder out loud if anything was going to happen and the run out to the peak was looking less likely as the wind hadn't abated.

Added to the fact that he didn't have any smokes or coffee (our guaranteed strike attractant), it looked like the jinx had been completed.

Just on cue at one of the summer locations, a double hookup and the call was for salmon. Nah - kings, in seventeen degrees. Not to be disappointed with a couple of sub-legals, it was suprising non the less as the winter models are usually larger specimens.

For the next two hours we got another fourteen on trolled skirts and divers, flicked plastics and even a couple jigged out of twenty five metres just for fun.

Three legals came home to break the bangers and mash streak of late, and my mate had a grin from ear to ear and a new found boost of fishing enthusiasm.post-5315-1217555611_thumb.jpg

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Great work Barker. No wonder your mate had a grin from ear to ear.

A good result aye!

Was it Thursday you were out?

I'm hoping to get out in the boat Sunday if the wind dies down. I've got "itchy" fishing fingers! I've only been out once in over three months.



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Thanks Kiwi Dan and peterS, it was on Thursday and good fun utilising all the tactics.

Coastie, I reckon you should get a good go at them up your way if they are schooling

around the back of the boat like Yakkas down here. How is that left in your avatar?!!

Thanks Byron, the usual time and place. It was like a take away shop.

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nice one finks! :beersmile: wish i was there. wonder how long they will hang there this time. i have caught them there in winter but with no regularity. hopefully they will hang around till summer. imagine that.

I'll have to come down to syd to get a few soon, what do ya reckon?

once again well done.

frang fink :beersmile:

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hey ratboy,

stay where you are mate, give us half a chance at some winter fun. nah - it

would be good to see you.

It would be pretty good if they did hang around, you never know. A couple more

bigger ones amongst them would be better though.

I am thinking of having a cast off the rocks for some, haven't really put any time

into that and knowing they are there gives me a bit of encouragement.

The plastics and the jigging was good fun mate. We got a little one up on the

6lb setup we had for squid, and lost another two. You would have been frothing.

Might see you soon eh.

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