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Jewfish Are Bigger In Winter?


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It was only two weeks ago I promised myself that I would not fish again till at least September when it warmed up a bit. My 3 previous trips were so bad that I could not even arouse the interest of pickers.

Come Saturday night, the missus had gone out with friends and I was sitting at home infront of the tele... strange thoughts started coming into my head and I started thinking about how I'd heard "Jewfish are bigger in winter"

With the Olympics starting to get boring I decided to break my promise and once again brave the cold...

I wanted to prove that "Jewfish are bigger in winter" was not a myth... I sooooo sooooo wanted to land my first and also debunk the myth that "Jewfish actually exist" :1prop:

I headed out, planning to arrive at 8 to fish the change of tide and run out.

I was landbased on Sydney Harbour. Had 2 rods out, both with squid baits.

While waiting I tried to catch some livies on a handline..

By midnight, it was becoming increasingly obvious that I wasn't going to get anything... I could not get any livies, and my main baits weren't getting any attention.

I changed baits a few times to keep them fresh; each time reeling in I found my bait looking exactly the same as when I cast it out.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

at 12:30am, I made the smart (ha!) move and packed up... All the way driving home saying to myself: "I told you so!"

Einstein said the definition of insane is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.

If thats the case, I think I reached insanity many years ago. :wacko:

Sunday.... boredom strikes again!

Went down landbased to cast some plastics for Jew in the Georges... spent about 2 hours around 3pm fishing the turn of the tide... not even a single hit!

fished again chucking plastics for an hour around the 9pm change of tide... no interest.. once again not even a single hit...

They say animals learn from a mistake after 3 times and will try something different... animals are smart things aren't they?? :1prop:

So it looks like my efforts to debunk the myths mentioned above have only supported another myth: "there are no fish in winter" :(

Sorry to those who read this report expecting to hear about a monster jew... but I think there are simply no fish in the sea!! :1prop: This is still a fishing report.. just not a good one :thumbdown:

I'm sitting here now thinking when I'll give in and subject myself to some more torture :tease:


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Chris you are spot on mate......its bloody frustrating when you are doing all the right things and putting in the time for no results.

Like you I have fished right througout winter putting in the hours and have nothing to show.

It makes you want to give it up at times.

Bring on the warmer weather and hopefully things wil improve for all.

Twin 1

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Hey Kit,

Don't give up mate,that is rubbish about no Jewies in winter i caught my record jewie in 84 at tuncurry break wall{FORSTER} on 20 august on the top of the tide with back to back mullet fillets,every body on the wall pulled in and let me have fun for 40 minutes,they all wanted to gaff it.

So you keep trying your turn will come. good luck Cheers Rick.

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It'll happenfor you - just keep on trying! At least you had a good session and didn't end up with a birds nest in the pitch black or waiting and waiting on a cold beach only to find your bait has washed up and is sitting near your feet. Yes, Jewie fishing is frustrating... and yes, there are no Jewies in Sydney Harbour :1prop:

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what kinda tide are u fishing mate?? i have best results when the tide has around 1m of movement.. my fave is .5 into 1.5 and 1.5 into .5. when i fish the hawkesbury whether it be summer nor winter i usualy seems 2 get a couple... but due 2 my activities in comps i generally only get 2 fish it around twice a year!

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Its gonna come Chris, i may be fishing that sexy wharf on Saturday night if you are keen, ring me. I'll be there with my GF, not hoping for anything but we'll give it a go.

Stay at home kamil... You'll be wasting your time there.. seriously. especially now its so cold, theres no baitfish, and theres not even any pickers.

I've been there every weekend except 4 this year and I've only seen 2 baby ones at around 2kg each get landed.

what kinda tide are u fishing mate?? i have best results when the tide has around 1m of movement.. my fave is .5 into 1.5 and 1.5 into .5. when i fish the hawkesbury whether it be summer nor winter i usualy seems 2 get a couple... but due 2 my activities in comps i generally only get 2 fish it around twice a year!

As I've been going very frequently, I've pretty much fished every possible tide and moon combination...

I've whipped out the good ol UBD now to search for some other spots that might seem likely cos I think I'm just fishing the wrong place.

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Hi Kit,

Do not give up. The jew are in the harbour and are in numbers all year round. That is a myth that jew are bigger in winter. The difference between winter and summer is that the small jew are more prolific in summer - I guess cause the prawns are running. Move around - don't stick to one spot and reduce your fishing time to 2 hurs at the most - this will enable you to focus more and notice things that are going on around you. If you fish warfs, fish the ones that hold baitfish - this time of year you will find garfish or tailor swimming around. And do not cast far.

PLUS do not follow what too many people say. You really have to go out and learn on your own. I fish differently to most and I produce. Other people I know also produce and their methods are different to mine. Jewfish are a type of fish that requires a lot of thinking to do initially - once you learn their patterns you will get them time and time again. I have been fishing for them for over 15 years and still learning heaps!

Fishing is not about the capture - it is about the strugle to get the capture!



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Hi Kit,

Do not give up. The jew are in the harbour and are in numbers all year round. That is a myth that jew are bigger in winter. The difference between winter and summer is that the small jew are more prolific in summer - I guess cause the prawns are running. Move around - don't stick to one spot and reduce your fishing time to 2 hurs at the most - this will enable you to focus more and notice things that are going on around you. If you fish warfs, fish the ones that hold baitfish - this time of year you will find garfish or tailor swimming around. And do not cast far.

PLUS do not follow what too many people say. You really have to go out and learn on your own. I fish differently to most and I produce. Other people I know also produce and their methods are different to mine. Jewfish are a type of fish that requires a lot of thinking to do initially - once you learn their patterns you will get them time and time again. I have been fishing for them for over 15 years and still learning heaps!

Fishing is not about the capture - it is about the strugle to get the capture!



Thanks for the words of encouragement Jim.

I'm definately doing a lot of thinking about it! Will continue to try and crack it.


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