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Most Memorable Catch


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I have three that really stick in my mind but one was a lost fish. The first was an almost 5 pound bream I pulled out of Back Creek at SWR. It was too rough to go outside so I decided to target the big bream that were there, boy this one was real big!

The second was the first trout I ever caught, a six pound brown at Jindabyne when I was about 14. Still my biggest trout to date by far. I caught him if front of the village after dark when I was up there for Xmas with the family.

The third was a jewie I lost in BB a few years ago at Molyneux Point. Very first bait in the water that day, prawn on a 2/0, got taken 10 seconds after i cast out. I was fishing 4 pound mono, no trace. I spent almost 90 minutes on that fish as it spent most of it's time sitting under the boat. When it finally surfaced, we guessed it at around 20 kilos, it did a lap of the boat just out of gaff range, slowly shook it's head and the hook pulled out. Everyone in the boat spat the dummy but I was glad he got off, by then I didn't want to kill him. I thought he had fought tough and deserved to go back, so it was a good result all round by me.

I've caught a lot of fish over the years but they are the ones I remember the most. Oh there is also the big great white that gave me the once over at Bellambi one year, but no way was I trying to catch him!



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hi fellow raiders i am just interested to hear whats ur most memorable catch to date, i will start this forum off and would say that i would consider catching a 229kg blue marlin in fiji, whilst on my honeymoon, was my highlight . cheers fellow raiders and tight lines............

catching three dolphin fish over 20kgs in one session in samoa and then the next day caught a 82 kg marlin was the best two day fishing i ever had going back for a three day live on and hopefully i can better that

cheers warren

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Mine was a 4.5lb cleaned luderick at 16 years old at Pig Rock just on dark, knew it was a big fish as when i hit him he went straight to the bottom and tail thumped for 15minutes when he came up i thought it was a pig, worst thing was it was high water just about dark and we had to wade back to the main ledge! Dad was with me and dropped 6 fish bigger all snow white we worked it out hat these dodgy Sealy Octopus hooks were to hard and kept breaking at the bend!

I have caught some big luderick but never agin bettered the 3lb mark. Wish i had a photo but that was16 years ago! :05::beersmile:

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my most memorable catches

1. 64lb jew caught at long reef boat ramp

mate and i went to akuna bay to catch slimeys and yakas for snapper baits of the rocks on the northern beaches as we normally did every friday night this night the seas were huge so all our usual spots were wiped out so decided to try the ramp at long reef first cast line was picked up with kelp and washed in to the beach so decided to move to the corner near the cleaning tables casted out to the pole in the water with a fillet of slimey bang bang thought it was a bream bite struck and the fish took a run about 50yds felt the weight of it and put it down to a ray or shark after 20mins i had to surf it up onto the beach which there was not much of as waves were going up to the grass with a 6ft shorebreak when the wave receeded all i could make out was a dorsil fin sticking up in the moonlight and thought it was a shark my mate ran down and screamed its a jew i used a 9120 rod abu 7000 20lb mono 3oz snapper lead and a 3/0 suicide i had been fishing for jew maybe 10yrs and caught plenty up to 30lbs but this was a fish of a lifetime and seeing it laying on the cleaning tables i felt sorry for it sort of like your pet dog had just died i stopped fishing for jew after that

2.55lb big eye tuna on a handline off warriewood in a boat no gaff

3.15lb snapper off rocks opp big beecroft

peter :1fishing1:

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I've got a couple,

1. Fishing at Gove NT off the tug wharf with a home made popper nailed a 10kg queenfish on a 6-8 kg outfit when at our feet (we were 6 metres above water level) waiting be gaffed and released a groper of 800 odd kgs (the size of a VW) came up underneath the fish opened it's mouth and watched the skinny disappear into the gropers mouth side ways (got it all on video) and all I could do was lock up and hold on as the guts of the reel disintergrated. most amazing thing I've ever seen.

2. Fishing on the Numerella River (Cooma) in my mate's back yard and got my first rainbow on fly (tiny black nymph) a 72cm stream fish on a $200 #Mart outfit. The people next door 1.2kms away could hear me yahooing and came over to have a look when I nailed a 68cm rainbow 20mins later.



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just to add a few more memorable catches;

1. my wife catching a fijian record wahoo, 43kg........

2. my 20kg gt........again in fiji

3. 17kg jew landbased parra river

4. a session i had flyfishing lake eucumbene where i caught my bag limit of rainbow trout, taking into a

account that at that stage i had a handfull of sessions under my belt.........

5. everyday i go fishin i also consider memorable

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Mine was a 4.5lb cleaned luderick at 16 years old at Pig Rock just on dark, knew it was a big fish as when i hit him he went straight to the bottom and tail thumped for 15minutes when he came up i thought it was a pig, worst thing was it was high water just about dark and we had to wade back to the main ledge! Dad was with me and dropped 6 fish bigger all snow white we worked it out hat these dodgy Sealy Octopus hooks were to hard and kept breaking at the bend!

I have caught some big luderick but never agin bettered the 3lb mark. Wish i had a photo but that was16 years ago! :05::beersmile:

luderick angler

That's a cracker of a fish and a good yarn These are the stories that make the days when we catch zilch fade into forgetable memories, but the special fish lives for ever in our minds

Ah! the fisherman


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I'd have to say my most memorable catch was when was I 9 years old when my father and I were staying at Port Macquarie and we drove down to Lake Cathie to have a fish.

Here we were standing on the bank and he was showing me where to cast, so I raise the rod and give it a flick but I buggered the cast up and it basically dropped into the water right at our feet.

My dad laughed and told me reel it back in and have another go when all of a sudden down went the rod and I pulled in what from memory was about a 40cm flatty.

I turned to my dad with a huge grin on my face and said "that's how it's done".

We still laugh about it today some 20 years later and talk about showing each other up when we go fishing, it's something I'll never forget.

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luderick angler

That's a cracker of a fish and a good yarn These are the stories that make the days when we catch zilch fade into forgetable memories, but the special fish lives for ever in our minds

Ah! the fisherman


Never ever got one over 3 and quarter kicking after that fish, Dad got one the year after down the old waterside cold stores going 4.25 clean he felt bad as it was a big hen and hooked in the gut it was gone atth net biggest he caught was shy of 6lb at Nambucca

My moost recent has been the 5lboddbrown trout that smashed a rapala J5 at my feet in a footofwater and went of on a merry one even more so at it was my first NZ trout!

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just to add a few more memorable catches;

1. my wife catching a fijian record wahoo, 43kg........

2. my 20kg gt........again in fiji

3. 17kg jew landbased parra river

4. a session i had flyfishing lake eucumbene where i caught my bag limit of rainbow trout, taking into a

account that at that stage i had a handfull of sessions under my belt.........

5. everyday i go fishin i also consider memorable



Over the years we have had the pleasure to have caught and released many marlin and thousands of marine species of all kinds. Some of the blues we caught in one of the great blue marlin seasons I can remember was in 1992 A season where we caught and weighed a few great fish.

Blue marlin are a most delicate fish they will die quicker than all the other marlin species and we had that happen with a few so they were weighed rather than leaving them for shark fodder..

One fish, I remember was my great mate, Brian Nesbitt's 154kg fish The first blue recoded by the Botany Bay club in 1981.

It was caught on 24 kg and I do believe may have been one of the first blues ever officially recorded out of that port.

It was also the first blue marlin caught on little known lure maker back then....A Peter Pakula lure

Another great fish was my son Glenn Hunter's 220kg blue on 24kg..Taking out most meritorious catch in '92 in NSW waters for all marlin.

Compleat angler's Tim Simpson's first blue marlin, a 140 kg blue caught on Broadbill on 15kg line

Ray Annun's 220kg blue on 24kg was another great fish that screamed around the ocean as only blues can We released that fish.

Mike Rowes 197 kg blue was another great effort in '92 A four hour effort by the angler The fish came up dead.

The best by far was Harvey Sainsbury's 297 kg caught on 24kg. A fish that had a genuine 700 metres off the big Shimano and had us done like a dog's dinner. A giant fish that was caught by a guy who had never caught a fish in his life before, not even a yellowtail off the wharf. A fish that is still the biggest recorded in Sydney waters.

That 1992 season we caught 7 blues over 200 kg

There were jelly bean yellowfin everywhere and the blues were on them big time. One of the great seasons and most memorable for me and I did not catch one of them







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  • 4 years later...

Excellent read Ross!

Heart in mouth stuff that tuna fishing, ya just never know how big and how long each fight is going to be. After so many years of not even bothering chasing the fin or other gamefish, this year has been such a eye opener for me personally with such a change in fortune of Sydneys offshore fishery. I just hope it's not a splash in the pan and is here to stay.....

Me well it would have to be my biggest GT from a trip NOrth in 2006. On a mothership some 100miles off the tip of Cape York with a bunch of mates. Casting big poppers all morning on big gear was starting to wear me out. I changed to a 50lb outfit for a bit of a rest while in the shallows of a lagoon. Coral heads everywhere.

Casting a Saltiga Popper along the hard reef edges I was absolutely monstered in spectacular fashion!

3m of water coral all around and the guide on the camera.

Mate having trouble on the net......

Yeah I remember it like yesterday, I have it on film......lol


Champion Greg!

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Guest Aussie007

have a few memories from the fishing years as a keen 12-13 year old boy i would ride my push bike 1 hours from home fishing rods tied to the bikes frame, chipping norton lake was the place in the early 90's located western sydney in the georgers river, i stopped half way and picked up some weed than headed onto the destination it was packed from memory, and i was only new to black fish fishing i rigged up tossed out a line and hauled in a huge black fish, i had people coming over asking if i had caught the fish there i said of course being proud of my catch i showed it off :D

another time i was new to downrigging not so many years ago, a mate came over picked me up we than headed onto the bay we went out side the south head around 80 meters off the shore and downrigged a little bommie first pass the wheel was screaming, the boat was quickly pointed east and fish pulled into deeper water up came a 90cm kingy, another pass another kingy my personal best to date, we headed home after catching 3 and releasing 1 taking home a couple beautiful king fish

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Years ago my mate and I were in the local Ansa club and fishing the Newcastle/ Port Stephens convention at Fingal. Day 1 my mate Nicho caught a monster pig on 2kg of 3kgs, an awesome capture from the area we came o know as The Bay of Pigs. I managed a couple of poultry pigs upto 1.3kg on 1kg line.

Back we go for day 2 and late in the arvo I fight a pig on 1kg for 20 plus minutes, after burying me a couple of times and some blistering runs I worked him up to the net and on board he comes. He looks a fair lump and we call him for 2.5+ kgs.

Back at the weigh in and he comes in at 3.2kgs on 1kg. Something I'll never forget. Later that night he was converted to pig burgers with a bit of aoli and cooked onion along with a few cold ales and company of good freinds.

He was good enough to win that section and a few others and is certainly a capture I'll never forget.


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A memory for me that has always burnt deeply in my mind, is the day I was on camp at Stewart house, curl curl. I was about 11 and the teachers took us fishing at narrabeen lakes! I casted a handline off the embankment with prawn baited and after about 5mins... Bang, I'm on. Trying to retrieve this fish, I can still picture it zooming up and down the lake and after what seemed a lifetime up comes a bream that went 40cm.

That night the chef at camp cooked it up for me and it was amazing. This is what hooked me on fishing and 27years on I still get that same feeling when I'm hooked into a good fish! Tight lines,

Cheers scratchie!!!

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~100kg tarpon caught in Channel 2 of the Florida Keys at around 3 in the morning. I hooked it in around 1.5m of water and it nearly spooled me in seconds. Magic memory and the hardest hitting fish I have ever been in contact with

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Mines been updated and it's not even my fish.. My wife's father handed her down his rod from when he was her age (23) and her goal was to catch a fish with it. Being an 11 foot rod I took her rockfishing with it and after a great battle and great determination from my wife she landed a 10kg longtail tuna with her dads rod.. Now the rod is retired mounted on the wall along with a photo of her fish.. Great memory

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Mines been updated and it's not even my fish.. My wife's father handed her down his rod from when he was her age (23) and her goal was to catch a fish with it. Being an 11 foot rod I took her rockfishing with it and after a great battle and great determination from my wife she landed a 10kg longtail tuna with her dads rod.. Now the rod is retired mounted on the wall along with a photo of her fish.. Great memory


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This is a hard one as I have been lucky enough too see some amazing things and fish in some great places.

I would probably go with fishing over Christmas 2009-2010 where I caught my first trout, a 60+cm rainbow from NZ, came back to Australia and went straight up to the family in mackay where dad experienced some awesome barra fishing in teembarra dam with fish up to 93cm, catching a 40cm sooty grunter. Then on the way home stopping off at monduran dam landing dads PB barra of 109cm and then catching my PB of 95cm in the last hours of our trip! Finishing with bass at lake St Clair.

Honorable mentions go to:

-55.5cm bass on surface (once again at mondy)

- netting a 116cm barra and learning the ropes from one of the countries best competition barra anglers

- first bass caught on lure

- catching my first Australian salmon

-catching my first and only mangrove jack

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