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Scratchie last won the day on February 7 2023

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    Port Stephens

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  1. Thanks mate appreciate it Cheers BN. All the best for Xmas and NY to you too! Hahahaha yowie! At least you never change! lol Mate, I’m pretty happy with the conversion rate with my fishing. Generally if you don’t put in the time then you don’t deserve it. Guess I’ve had my lean times 😂 no probs! Not my boat, it’s Micks. Absolute weapon Thanks Donna! Yes it’s been a hectic year full of ups and downs. Time to soldier on and make 2024 a memorable one Thanks Mike! I’ll chase anything that swims lol And yes my kids are a blessing and a curse. But I’ve always told them that if they commit then I will too! Busy times ahead It was great to finally get you out Baz. Mick and I have been talking about it for a while. I’m glad that things aligned. We will get you that Marlin next year too! 👍
  2. G’day Raiders, Well it’s been a really big year for me and my family and I do apologise for not being as active as I normally am. I have been so busy with work, sporting commitments and family matters that has taken up my time during 2023. Add to that an overseas trip and I haven’t done as much fishing as I would’ve liked to this year, but on the odd occasion that I have been out, I’ve definitely had some quality catches. Most of the fishing that I’ve done has been thanks to @back cruncherConstantly hassling me, week in and week out, with the general text of “ you keen to go fishing”. Thanks Mick, you’re a bloody legend. On the family front, my second son Brandon has signed a contract with the South Sydney in the under 21s and my daughter is contracted to the Bulldogs for the 2024 season. This means plenty of journeys up and down the freeway which represents a lot of my time taken. But I am so proud of their commitment and dedication and in turn, give them mine. Fishing wise, We started the year off with the intent to put a few marlin on the boat and we ticked off that list quite well and managed to get a few people there first Marlin. A few trips chasing snapper as usual has seen some quality fish into the high 80s. We’ve also had a mission to chase some really big kings and the past four trips for Mick and I have yielded 4 quality bruts over the 120cm mark with plenty of dustings. Next year, unfortunately, I can see a very full calendar of sport and work, which will mean very limited fishing for me. But I will take every opportunity that I get to get out on the water. I hope that all Raiders have a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year period And tight lines for 2024. Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. G’day raiders, As life gets hectic, the days of getting out fishing are few and far between at the moment. I do manage to keep up to date with what’s going on, which most times makes me more envious. So when “opportunity knocks”, regardless of sleep deprivation, if there is a slight window then I’m fishing.. Heres a few pics from two recent sessions including today when we bagged out on Mahi and Mick got himself a really nice snapper! I hope everyone has been getting out wetting line! cheers scratchie!!!
  4. What a great report, catch and day out! Just awesome 👏 cheers scratchie!!!
  5. That’s a bargain and I highly recommend this product. More importantly, this product saves lives! cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Thanks mate! Yeah we’ve hooked a few more but got a few boatside! Haven’t spent as much time fishing as I would have liked. Commitments always get in the way but my time on the water has been productive 🙌
  7. Was a great day Bob! Always great when a plan comes to fruition Cheers. I love my backyard. There’s no place I’d rather be. Tbh, the fish are just a bonus!
  8. Thanks! It sure is 🌄 Thanks mate! Great day! We’ve already kept one this season. There was plenty to go around. Still have some, so no biggy letting it go!
  9. Congrats Jakob! I thought you did a great job. I’m glad they came back and got you! Good luck in the top 50 cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Cheers mate! Cracking day out Hahahahaha you’re right Yowie! Can’t catch anything at home. Anytime Basil. There’s been a million tourists up here for weeks 😂 Thanks mate! You can catch snapper year round up here! Not that easy! Some constant casting in the right areas and then a bit of luck goes a long way Hahahahha snapper can be a challenge especially around a full moon. Finding the grounds you are looking for, then a couple of hundred casts and you’re a sure thing! NOT 😂 Marlin on the other hand are pretty easy atm! Just time on water and you’ll find one 👍 Cheers mate! Me too! We didn’t second guess our plan yesterday and were successful 🔥 It was a great team effort!!
  11. G’day raiders, Finally got the opportunity to head out today with @back cruncher and one of my boys. After not fishing for snapper for quite a while, the plan today was to load up with livies, head to the island and flick for snapper and then go see if we could find a marlin on the way home. Glad to say that everything went to plan and it was a beautiful morning on the water. The snapper somewhat played ball except for a couple that enjoyed their freedom. Then on the way home, we didn’t have the baits in the water for any longer than 10 mins before we hooked up and landed a nice little black marlin. Couldn’t have asked for a better day in My Backyard. Thanks for day Mick and Brandon 🙌 cheers scratchie!!! P.S marlin was released to fight another day!
  12. Awesome fish Mr Groper! Good to see you out and about mate! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Cheers Yowie! Yeah mate all good here. Just busy as hell. Keen to do some fishing this year though! Hope all is well with you 👍
  14. Monster flatty! That’s a great capture on silly string. Gotta be happy with that 🙌 cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Awesome 👏 I love when a few fishraiders get together! cheers scratchie!!!
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