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Hall Of Fame


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It's quite ironic that alberto has posted this thread about most memorable catch. I have been considering a "Hall of Fame" that us Raiders should post our most prized memories - whether associated with fishing or not.

Maybe our Moderators could consider "Pinning" a section that Raiders would post pictures and stories of the highlight in their life.

I would suggest, and support a prize for the best story/ opportunity / moment in a Raiders life that he or she is willing to post on this Forum, that best depicts his or her achievements in life.

Mod's, please lets have a "Hall of Fame" that we can look back on, edit and add addittional stories, pics, etc of our life on this world, that we can share with our members weather be success or dismay, for that period in our lives.

No matter no big opportunities, experiences or the like have presented themselves in your life to date, post a thread and over the next 3 or 6 or 12 months you can edit, add and tantalise all Raiders who are willing to participate in this novel idea.

Awaiting the next post....................................

Edited by Mariner 31
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